Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 01, enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
any need to change the EOMS
resource needs
Documented information will be retained as evidence of the
results of management reviews
Nonconformity and corrective actions
When nonconformity occurs, the staff of the Chair:
reacts to the nonconformity and, when necessary, takes
action to control, correct and deal with the consequences
assesses the need for corrective actions to eliminate the
causes of the nonconformity, so that it does not occur again, nor
does it occur in another part of the EOMS
IT 50 establishes the treatment of non-conformities
Continual improvement
The Chair continually improves the suitability, adequacy and
effectiveness of its EOMS, taking into account relevant
research and best practices. The results of the analysis and
evaluation, and the outputs of the Management Review, are
considered to determine if there are needs or opportunities that
should be considered as part of continuous improvement.
Opportunities for improvement
The Chair determines and selects opportunities for
improvement and implements any actions necessary to meet the
requirements of the student and other beneficiaries and improve
the satisfaction of students, other beneficiaries, staff and other
relevant stakeholders, including external providers. These
actions are documented in the Improvement Plan.
Improvements can include correction, corrective action,
continuous improvement, sudden change, innovation, and
This article describes how the ISO 21001: 2018 Educational
Organization Management System has been implemented in a
university unit dedicated to providing postgraduate academic
services in the areas of standardization, metrology and
integrated management systems. Although the implementation
of a standardized management system is a task for which the
Havana University as a whole is not prepared yet and due to its
size and complexity it would be a daunting task, the possibility
of implementing this system in one of its dependencies is a
valuable organizational innovation.
The work carried out shows the real possibility of
implementing the requirements of ISO 21001 and gives an
example to follow for other university areas. The fact that the
Chair already had theoretical and practical experience in the
implementation of standardized management systems, the vast
capability available in postgraduate academic training, the
competence of its staff and the effective leadership of its Board
of Directors, has made possible the implementation of this
system in a short time.
The work carried out places the educational organization in
optimal conditions to request the certification of its
management system, once the specific certification scheme is
approved by the National Standardization Office, an accredited
body for the certification of management systems
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