Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 01, enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. ISSN 0122-1701 y ISSN-e: 2344-7214
Implementation of ISO 21001: 2018 in
postgraduate academic programs
Implementación de la ISO 21001:2018 en programas de posgrado académico
R. M. Guerra-Bretaña ; F. J. Ramos-Azcuy ; M. B. Valencia-Bonilla
DOI: 10.22517/23447214.24735
Scientific and technological research paper
AbstractThe International Organization for Standardization
published the ISO 21001 Standard in 2018, outlining the
Management System for Educational Organizations. This work
focuses on implementing the ISO 21001 requirements within a
collaborative Chair offering postgraduate academic training
services at Havana University in the areas of standardization,
metrology, and integrated management systems. The implemented
educational organization management system encompasses all
necessary processes, personnel, and actions to deliver quality
postgraduate training services and educational products,
evaluated based on the satisfaction of students and other
Index Terms academic postgraduate; program; educational
organization; management system; ISO 21001.
Resumen La Organización Internacional de Normalización
publicó en 2018 la Norma ISO 21001, Sistema de Gestión de
Organizaciones Educativas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue la
implementación de los requisitos de la norma ISO 21001 en una
Cátedra colaborativa que brinda servicios de formación
académica de posgrado en el campo de la normalización, la
metrología y los sistemas integrados de gestión en la Universidad
de La Habana. El sistema de gestión de la organización educativa
implementado incluye todos los procesos, personas y formas de
acción necesarias para lograr servicios de formación de posgrado
y productos educativos de calidad, basados en la evaluación del
grado en que se satisfacen los requisitos de los estudiantes y otros
Palabras claves— ISO 21001; programa; posgrado académico;
sistema de gestión; organizaciones educativas.
HE Chair on Quality, Metrology and Normalization of
the Havana University is an educational organization
created in October 2003 to contribute to enhance the cultural
awareness of the need to develop functions and services related
This manuscript was submitted on June 02, 2021, accepted on May 28, 2023
and published on April 05 - 2024. This work was supported by the Biomaterials
Center of the University of Havana.
Rosa Mayelín Guerra Bretaña is a Ph.D in Chemistry and titular professor
and researcher at the Quality, Metrology and Normalization Chair and Centre
of Biomaterials of the Havana University, Cuba (e-mail:
to the National Quality Infrastructure. The Chair is a
collaborative educational project, which groups professor,
researcher and specialists from the Havana University, the
National Office for Standardization, the National Institute of
Metrology, and other research institutions. To comply with its
objectives the Chair carries out scientific activities, such as
publications, meetings and conferences, and also provides
academic postgraduate training services in three Programs:
Master Degree Program on Quality and Environmental
Management, Master Degree Program on Metrology and the
Specialization in Standardization.
The training services offered by the Chair on Quality,
Metrology and Normalization are open to graduates of any
disciplines, working in any sector. However, the
pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector represents the most
important source of students due to the great significance of this
sector for the economic development of the country.
The Master Degree Program on Quality and Environmental
Management was initiated in January 2006. it has eight
completed editions and one is ongoing, graduating 152 masters
up to may/2021. This Program was Accredited as Excellence
by the National Accreditation Board in 2016. two other
Programs are in their second edition, and for this reason are not
submitted to external evaluation for accreditation yet.
The Programs are carried out in a partial time schedule, in
presence and semi-presence modes and with the
implementation of virtual activities in the last year due to the
Covid-19 epidemic. Research activities in the programs are
considered to solve the organizational problems of the students
related to their fields of studies [1].
The postgraduate training service is on the scope of the
quality management system certified to NC-ISO 9001:2015
standard [2]. With the approval of the ISO 21001 in 2018 [3],
the first attempt was done to evaluate how the requisites of the
new standard are fulfilled within the existing quality
Fridel Julio Ramos Azcuy was born in Havana, Cuba, on march 18, 1982.
Doctor in Higher Education Sciences - University of Havana, Cuba (2023).
María Beatriz Valencia Bonilla is a PhD in Economics of The Havana
University of Cuba and full-time professor at the Industrial Department,
Engineering Faculty of Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia (e-mail:
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 01, enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
management system [4].
The National Normalization Office of Cuba, which includes
the National Certification Organ, is organizing the NC-ISO
21001:2019 certification scheme. Taking into account the
experience and knowledge available, the Board of Directors of
the Chair decided to implement the new standard. The objective
of this work is to highlight how the management system for
educational organization (EOMS) was implemented in the
Chair on Quality, Metrology and Normalization at Havana
Until now few papers are available related the
implementation of EOMS ISO 21001, due to the relatively
recent publication of the standard, and also there still exists
some resistance to the implementation of standardized systems
in educational institutions. Nevertheless, some institutions that
incorporated the generic ISO 9001 quality management systems
are moving to ISO 21001 [5], or are developing methodologies
for ISO 21001 implementation and diagnosis [6], [7]. Despite
the fact that the ISO 21001 standard does not yet have a wide
implementation, consulted papers evidence the benefits that the
standardized management systems could bring to the
educational organizations [8] - [11].
Educational services are provided through diverse
organizations, which must have common principles of action
and similar basic requirements; hence the importance of having
a management system for all types of educational institutions.
Efforts to elaborate an international normative document
guiding the management of educational organizations had a
new booming in 2014, when the Technical Committee of the
International Organization for Standardization ISO/PC 288
began to develop an ISO standard aimed at implementing
specific management systems for educational organizations
[12] - [14].
The International Organization for Standardization states that
the development of the standard ISO 21001 contributes to the
achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
[15], specifically in relation with the following objectives:
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and
promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries.
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe,
resilient and sustainable
In the works of ISO/PC 288 participate 86 specialists from
39 countries, culminating in May 2018 with the publication of
the ISO 21001 standard “Educational organizations.
Management systems for educational organizations.
Requirements with guidance for use” [3]. This is the first
international standard for overall educational sector, including
both regulated education at any of its levels and non-regulated
education (adult education, special education, continuing
training, languages, etc.), in any modality. it is taught, either in
person, remotely, online or mixed. Such a management model
can help reduce the proliferation of potentially contradictory or
incompatible national, regional or sectoral regulations, and
facilitate a common language of collaboration between
different educational organizations, public or private [13], [16].
Before the approval of ISO 21001, there was the IWA-
2:2007 [17] as result of an international workshop agreement
(IWA). This document offered a guide for the implementation
of quality management systems in educational organizations,
according to the ISO 9001:2000 standard, and reduced
ambiguity in terminologies when using the generic standard in
educational organizations [13]. The IWA-2 should be updated
considering the new structure of the ISO management
standards, based on the ISO/IEC Directives approved in 2012,
and was finally withdrawn in 2013.
The ISO 21001 standard is aligned with ISO 9001:2015, and
takes into consideration other international standards related to
educational services such as ISO 29993 [18]. The document
maintains the high-level common structure that ISO has
established for all its management system standards, applying
the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and process approach,
with an overall focus on risk-based thinking.
The document specifies the requirements for a management
system (OEMS) when an educational organization [3]:
needs to demonstrate its ability to support the acquisition
and development of competence through teaching, learning or
aims to enhance satisfaction of learners, other
beneficiaries and staff through the effective application of its
EOMS, including processes for improvement of the system and
assurance of conformity to the requirements of learners and
other beneficiaries.
With the implementation of the ISO 21001 standard, it is
intended that educational organizations offer a better service,
based on evaluating the degree to which they satisfy the needs
and expectations of students, their families, teachers, the labor
market and society in general.
Some concepts are provided in the ISO 21001 standard.
Educational organizations are those whose main activity is the
provision of educational products and services. The educational
service constitutes the process that supports the acquisition and
development of students' competences through teaching,
learning or research, while the educational product (also called
a learning resource) is a tangible or intangible product (physical
or digital) used in the pedagogical support of an educational
A student is considered to be a beneficiary of the educational
service, who acquires and develops her skills through the
educational service. In general, the beneficiaries are the people
or groups of people who benefit from educational products and
services and whom the educational organization is obliged to
serve by virtue of its mission, including families and guardians,
the labor market and the government.
In addition to contextualizing the seven quality management
principles included in the ISO 9000 standard [19] to the
educational service, ISO 21001 adds four more:
focus on learners and other beneficiaries
visionary leadership
engagement of people
process approach
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 01, enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
evidence-based decisions
relationship management
social responsibility
accessibility and equity
ethical conduct in education
data security and protection
While ISO 9001:2015 focus on customer satisfaction, ISO
21001:2018 focus on satisfaction of learners and other
beneficiaries (government, labor market, parents and
All the processes that are established in the ISO 21001
standard are important so that the educational organization can
function properly, fulfill its mission and objectives, and achieve
its vision.
The ISO 21001 standard lists the potential benefits to an
educational organization of implementing EOMS, they are in
brief [3]:
better alignment of activities with strategy
consistent processes and evaluation tools to demonstrate
and increase effectiveness and efficiency
more personalized and effective response to all learners
increased credibility of the organization
greater social responsibility
widened participation of interested parties
stimulation of excellence and innovation
The results presented in this work are based on the
participation in the diagnosis, design and implementation of the
EOMS in the Chair on Quality, Metrology and Normalization
of the Havana University, based on the analysis of the
normative, legal and operative documents that support the
educational service provided, specifically academic
postgraduate programs on Master Degree and Specialization.
In the diagnostic stage, those aspects that were focused on
the compliance with the ISO 9001 standard, but did not bring
sufficient evidence of the requirements of the ISO 21001
standard were identified. Based on the results of the diagnosis,
the design of EOMS deepened on those aspects that previously
had not been sufficiently developed. At the same time, the new
documents were implemented, taking care not to affect the
educational service, for which an effective change control
process was conducted.
The system implemented is described in the EOMS Manual,
using the structure of the ISO 21001 standard. This article offers
the description of the EOMS of the Chair of Quality, Metrology
and Standardization of the Havana University as established in
its Manual.
Context of the organization
Understanding the organization and its context
The Chair of Quality, Metrology and Standardization
undertakes the external and internal issues that are pertinent to
its purpose using the SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities and Threats). In May 2021, the Strategic
Projection 2021-2025 elaborated by the Board of Directors was
circulated to the members of the Academic Committees. Once
the pertinent recommendations had been analyzed and
included, the document was circulated to all professors and
tutors. Annually, the information on the organization and its
context will be monitored and reviewed within the framework
of the Management Review or when there are changes in the
context that require a review of the Chair's strategic planning.
As a result of the strategic exercise carried out, the Mission
and Vision of the Chair was established as follows:
The Mission: To provide professional and academic
postgraduate training services on issues related to the National
Quality Infrastructure, meeting the needs and expectations of
students, other beneficiaries and stakeholders in general.
The Vision to 2025: The professional and academic
postgraduate training services on issues related to the National
Quality Infrastructure, provided by the Chair of Quality,
Metrology and Standardization are a national benchmark by
their excellence and social relevance - based on the competence
of its professors and staff in general, the scientific-technical
validity of the programs and their constant updating. This
reflects changes in the context and the interests of beneficiaries
and other interested parties.
Understanding the needs and expectations of interested
The Strategic Projection 2021-2025 document identifies the
stakeholders relevant to the EOMS and their requirements.
Interested parties include:
other beneficiaries (Havana University, High Education
Ministry, student employers)
professors and tutors employed at the Havana
University, volunteers from other institutions, and
support staff of the Chair
other stakeholders (alumni, collaborating and competing
educational organizations, external providers, the media
and society)
Annually, the interested parties’ information, their relevant
requirements and the communication channels are monitored
and reviewed.
Determining the scope of the management system for
educational organizations
The scope of the EOMS covers the three postgraduate
academic programs developed by the Chair, as well as
postgraduate professional training activities that are requested.
The programs are:
Master in Quality and Environmental Management
Postgraduate Specialization in Standardization
Master in Metrology
In addition, all educational products used in the postgraduate
training services in any of its modalities are included: face-to-
face, blended and distance (virtual).
Management system for educational organization
The Chair has established, implements, maintains and
continuously improves its EOMS, including the necessary
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 01, enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
processes and their interactions, in accordance with the
requirements of the NC-ISO 21001:2019 standard. Fig. 1 shows
the process map of the EOMS, while Table I lists the activities
of each process. The processes are described in the Manual,
including their purpose, related documented information, inputs
required and the outputs expected.
The EOMS encompasses a key macro-process (Provision of
postgraduate training services) made up of three processes:
Professional training
Master Programs
Postgraduate Specialization
In addition, there is a managerial process (Strategic and
operative management), and two support processes (Logistics
and Educational Technology).
The Board of Directors of the Chair:
maintains documented information to support the
operation of its processes
keep documented information to have confidence that
processes are performed as planned
Leadership and commitment
The Board of Directors demonstrates leadership and
commitment with respect to the EOMS by:
taking responsibility for its effectiveness and continuous
establishing the policy and objectives of the Chair,
compatible with its context and strategic direction
guaranteeing the sustainable implementation of the
educational vision and concepts related to education
ensuring that students' educational requirements,
including special needs, are identified and addressed
considering the principles of social responsibility
Fig. 1. Process map of the Chair´ EOMS
Activities/ISO 21001 Requirements
Diagnosis and strategic planning (4)
Operational planning (5,6)
1. Strategic and
President of the
Management of material and financial resources (7.1)
Control of externally provided processes, products
and services (8.4)
Management of human resources
(7.1.2, 7.1.6,7.2, 7.3, 7.3)
Control of documented information (7.5)
Process monitoring (9.1)
Internal audit (9.2)
Management Review (9.3)
Improvement (10)
2. Master Programs
3. Postgraduate
4. Professional
Design of postgraduate training activities.
Call, selection and enrollment of students.
Provision of educational service.
Guidance and tutoring for students.
Management of updated educational materials.
Evaluation of student satisfaction.
Evaluation of the impact of training.
Self-evaluation and improvement of programs.
(8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7)
5. Educational
Technology (ET)/
Head of ET
Computerized systems support for the provision of
educational services and knowledge management
(7.1.3, 7.1.6, 8.5.1)
6. Logistics/
Specialist in Quality
Infrastructure management and student
documentation (7.1.3, 7.1.4)
The Chair of Quality, Metrology and Standardization focuses
its management policy on "guaranteeing the quality and
continuous improvement of the EOMS, postgraduate training
services and educational products, complying with the
applicable regulations, taking into consideration educational
developments, as well as relevant scientific and technical
advances related to the National Quality Infrastructure. The
work results of the Chair are reflected in the obtaining of higher
accreditation categories of its programs, the satisfaction of its
students, beneficiaries and other interested parties, as well as in
an increase in the culture of quality in the context as part of its
social responsibility”.
The policy was approved in the strategic projection exercise
carried out in May 2021, and was made known to the personnel
to ensure its understanding and application. The policy is
available to all interested parties, is kept as documented
information and is analyzed annually in the management review
to ensure its suitability.
Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities
The Board of Directors has defined the roles and
responsibilities of the staff for the maintenance of the EOMS
The Chair President is in charge of ensuring that the EOMS
complies with the requirements of the NC-ISO 21001:2019
standard. All personnel have the responsibility of collaborating
in the implementation and maintenance of the effectiveness of
the EOMS. In addition to these general responsibilities, the
members of the Board of Directors, the Logistics Group, and
the Academic Committees have specific responsibilities related
to the functions they perform.
The Academic Committees functions comply with the
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 01, enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
provisions of the Resolution No. 140/2019 Regulation of
Postgraduate Education of the Republic of Cuba and Instruction
No. 01/2020 Manual for postgraduate management established
by the Higher Education Ministry.
Actions to address risks and opportunities
When planning the EOMS, the elements identified in the
strategic diagnosis, the EOMS processes, as well as the needs
and expectations of the interested parties were considered. For
each process, the risks and opportunities that need to be
addressed were identified, and documented in the Risk
Prevention Plan, which also establishes the actions to address
these risks and opportunities. The risk management actions are
implemented in the EOMS processes and their effectiveness is
evaluated annually, as part of the Management Review.
Educational organization objectives and planning to achieve
Based on the strategic objectives and the EOMS policy, the
EOMS objectives, deployed by each of the processes, their
measurable indicators (measurement criteria) and the actions
for their fulfillment, are established annually. These objectives
are communicated to all personnel. Annually, the fulfillment of
the objectives is evaluated in the Management Review. Both the
planning and the evaluation of compliance are kept as
documented information.
Planning for changes
When the need for changes in the EOMS is determined, these
are carried out in a planned manner, considering: the purpose of
the changes and their possible consequences, and the integrity
of the EOMS.
The Board of Directors determines the necessary resources
for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and
continuous improvement of the EOMS. The material and
financial resources for the operation of the EOMS are provided
by the Center for Biomaterials where the Chair is located.
Taken in account that the Chair is a collaborative project,
resources to improve staff skills are guaranteed in the
institutions from which they come.
The Board of Directors determines and monitors what
resources are provided by:
the Center for Biomaterials and other dependencies of the
University of Havana
institutions outside the University of Havana, which are
members of the Chair
other external providers
The organization ensures that reasonable adjustments are
made to promote equitable access to postgraduate training for
students with special needs
The human resources available to the Chair include:
personnel employed by the Center for Biomaterials and
other dependencies of the University of Havana, according to
the hiring procedures established in the national legislation
Professors, researchers and volunteer specialists from
other institutions working with the Chair and contributing to the
postgraduate training services coordinated by it
One of the strengths of the Chair, which makes it sui generis
and enhances its activity, is that it brings together, teachers and
tutors from different institutions. They are specialized in issues
related to the National Quality Infrastructure, both in technical
aspects of a given economic sector, and in management tools.
The Board of Directors, with the support of the Head of
Logistics, identifies and manages the infrastructure for carrying
out the activities of the Chair. It includes: the built-up area, the
equipment (hardware and software), the basic services,
connectivity and the use of the Virtual Environment for
Teaching-Learning (EVEA) of the University of Havana.
Another part of the teaching facilities is provided by other
dependencies of the University of Havana and by external
centers, which are part of the Chair, fundamentally the
institutions of the National Office for Standardization System
(Territorial Office for Standardization of Havana; Center for
Management and Development of Quality; National Institute
for Research in Metrology).
The implementation of knowledge is carried out, mostly, in
the centers where the students come from. In addition, in the
case of the Postgraduate Specialization in Standardization, the
implementation of knowledge is carried out through the
Technical Committees in which students carry out their
professional work.
The Chair makes computer equipment and internet
connectivity available to students who require it. However,
most of the students use these facilities in their own work
There is a repository for specialized literature at the server of
the Center for Biomaterials, also there are books in digital and
printed format and the final papers of the students of all the
editions of the three programs. These are all available. There is
also abundant scientific literature and normative documents,
available to students, in the Center for Management and
Development of Quality, in the National Institute for Research
in Metrology and in the Center for Management Studies of the
Havana University, institutions participating in the
postgraduate training services of the Chair. Likewise, in each of
the face-to-face courses and on the EVEA platform, the
teachers avail the students with updated basic and
complementary bibliography, related to the subject being
The Chair determines, provides and maintains a suitable
environment to promote the well-being of the relevant
stakeholders, considering physical and psychosocial factors.
Order and cleanliness are basic attributes of the teaching
environment, together with the ethical conduct of teachers,
students and staff in general.
The knowledge necessary for the operation of the processes
of the Chair and to achieve the conformity of educational
products and services, are determined. A Quality Workshop is
held annually, in which students and teachers present their
results in the subjects of study of the Chair.
The professors and tutors provide learning resources and
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 01, enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
make them available where and when needed. The person in
charge of Educational Technology supports the rest of the staff
in the development of learning resources, which are made
available to students on the EVEA platform.
The staff is competent to carry out postgraduate training
services in the area of knowledge in which it works. The
competence requirements of the professor and tutors are the
Possess a high academic level and extensive professional
experience in the area of knowledge of the program,
endorsed by a scientific degree, the title of Master or
Postgraduate Specialist; the teaching categories of Full
Professor, Assistant Professor or the scientific categories
of Senior Researcher or Assistant Researcher. Other
professionals who have a high and recognized prestige in
the area of knowledge of the program may also be part of
the faculty.
Maintain an active participation in research, innovation
and professional practice in the area of knowledge of the
The evidence of competence is kept as documented
information, through the updated Curriculum Vitae, copies of
the professional title and academic degrees, certifications of
teaching or research categories, publications and other relevant
The non-teaching staff may be also competent for their
functions, based on their training, experience and on-the-job
The annual evaluation of the personnel is carried out in their
institutions of origin and, when required, training actions are
carried out to acquire the necessary updated competence, which
is assessed.
The organization ensures that all educators and staff who
have contact with students with special needs have specialized
and appropriate training.
The Board of Directors ensures that the people who carry out
the work under the control of the Chair are aware of:
The Policy, the Strategic Projection of the Chair, the
Objectives and measurement criteria of the EOMS
their contribution to the effectiveness of the EOMS,
including the benefits of an improvement in the performance of
the Chair
the implications of non-compliance with the EOMS
The Board of Directors and the Academic Committees
determine the internal and external communications pertinent
to the EOMS, and establish effective methods for
communicating with students and other stakeholders
guaranteeing the necessary feedback.
Communication between the members of the Chair and the
students is established, fundamentally, through email,
meetings, workshops and the Chair's web page. In case of
unresolved problems, students and other beneficiaries are
informed that they should contact the Presidents of the
Academic Committees and, in an extreme case, the Graduate
Directorate of the University of Havana. These aspects are
reflected in the Communication Strategy of the Chair.
Annually, in the Management Review, the Board of
Directors analyzes and improves the Communication Strategy
based on the results obtained. Documented information of the
communication process is retained.
Documented information
The EOMS of the Chair includes the documented
information required by NC-ISO 21001:2019, and those
determined as necessary for the effectiveness of the EOMS and
the legal compliance.
Documented information can be in any form or type of
medium, and includes:
Records of the Programs
Records of Editions
Student records
Work instructions
Evidence of the management of the EOMS
The documentation of the students and postgraduate
programs is governed by Resolution No. 184/11 Manual of
Norms and Procedures for the Work of the Secretariats in
Higher Education Institutions, a normative document of official
use for the work of the general, teaching and postgraduate
secretariats, in all the attached to Higher Education Centers.
Specifically, Chapter X is related to the postgraduate control
In the technical instruction IT 46 Control of documented
information, it´s established how the following activities are
carried out:
distribution, access, retrieval and use
protection and security, including redundancy
storage and preservation, including preservation of
change control
conservation and disposal
assurance of confidentiality
prevention of inadvertent use of outdated documented
Documented information of outside origin deemed necessary
for the planning and effective operation of the EOMS, are
organized and classified in all. An index of both internal and
outside documents and their relevant updates are kept.
Operational planning and control
The Chair plans, implements and controls the processes
necessary to meet the requirements for the provision of
educational products and services, and to implement actions for
risk management. The Board of Directors controls planned
changes and reviews the consequences of unanticipated
changes, taking actions to mitigate any adverse effects, as
appropriate. Externally outsourced processes are controlled to
the extent possible.
The Academic Committees of the Programs plan the design,
development and expected results of educational services,
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 01, enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
which include:
learning outcomes
ensuring appropriate and accessible teaching methods and
learning environments
define the criteria for the evaluation of learning
carry out the learning assessment
define and conduct improvement methods
provide support services
Requirements for educational products and services
The requirements for educational services are defined in the
corresponding Programs, considering:
those required by the Chair due to its policy and strategic
those resulting from the needs analysis carried out to
determine the requirements (current and potential) of students
and other beneficiaries, particularly those with special needs
those resulting from international demands and
those resulting from the labor market
the results of the investigation
The special needs analysis involves a comprehensive
assessment of students' learning skills, includes prior
knowledge and skill requirements. When students do not meet
these requirements, propaedeutic courses are planned. In the
event that students do not show evidence of possessing the
required knowledge, proficiency tests are carried out before
approving enrollment.
The Chair complies with the statements about the educational
services it offers. The requirements of the Programs are
communicated to the students and other relevant stakeholders
in the call for each edition, where the entry requirements, the
study plan and the preliminary calendar are communicated. As
the Program progresses, communications are established with
students regarding the specific characteristics of each course,
the dates of the activities to obtain research and professional
credits, and other aspects of interest.
Academic Committees ensure that when requirements for
educational services are changed, relevant documented
information is amended, and that interested parties be aware of
the changed requirements. For example, students and teachers
are notified regarding calendar changes. The Postgraduate
Directorate of the Havana University is notified about changes
in the Programs prior to each edition and information on
modifications and their approval is kept.
Design and development of educational services
The Chair has established, implemented and maintains a
design and development process to ensure the subsequent
provision of educational products and services. Instruction IT
40 Course Design establishes the input elements of the course
design, the design stages, and the aspects to be included in the
program and how the review, verification and validation of the
course design are carried out. The results of these activities are
reflected in the models: Certificate of Compliance with
Requirements and Certificate of Validation. For the design of
distance training, IT 50 Design of virtual courses and digital
educational media has been established.
In Instruction IT 41 Design of Postgraduate Programs,
incorporates the input elements, the design stages, the aspects
to be included in it and also how the review, verification and
validation of the Program design are carried out. The design,
delivery, evaluation and accreditation of Postgraduate
Programs are regulated by the Directorate of Postgraduate
Education of the Ministry of Higher Education, in Instruction
No. 01/2020 Manual for postgraduate management.
The design and presentation of the Academic Postgraduate
Programs are carried out by the designated Academic
Committee with the participation of the teachers and under the
direction of the Program Coordinator. The approval of the
Program (verification of the design) is carried out by the
University Postgraduate Commission (CUPOS) and the
national Advisory Commission for Postgraduate Education
(COPEP), which gives it the category of Authorized Program.
The validation of the Program design is carried out in the self-
evaluation that is performed at the end of each edition , taking
into account the opinions of students and teachers, and using
the instruction IT 45 Evaluation of the impact of Postgraduate
The Academic Committees take the necessary steps dealing
with the problems identified by the reviews and with the
verification and validation activities. Documented information
is maintained on:
the results of the review, verification and validation
any new requirements for educational products and
Control of externally supplied processes, products and
The Chair ensures that externally provided processes,
products and services are compliant and do not adversely affect
the organization's ability to consistently deliver compliant
products and services to its students and other beneficiaries. To
do this, it applies the controls documented in IT 47, based on
the criteria established for the evaluation, selection,
performance monitoring and re-evaluation of external
suppliers, based on their ability to provide processes or products
and services in accordance with the requirements. Documented
information of these activities and of any necessary actions
arising from the evaluations is retained.
The Chair ensures the adequacy of the requirements before
their communication to the external provider, and
communicates its requirements for:
the processes, products and services to be provided
approval of external supplies
the interactions of the external provider with the Chair
the control and monitoring of the performance of the
external provider to be applied by the Chair
the verification or validation activities that the Chair, its
students and other beneficiaries intend to carry out at the
external provider's facilities
Production and provision of educational service
The Chair implements the production and provision of the
educational service under controlled conditions, in accordance
with the ISO 21001 requirements and in compliance with the
provisions of the Resolution No. 140/2019 Regulation of
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 01, enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
Postgraduate Education of the Republic of Cuba and Instruction
No. 01/2020 Manual for postgraduate management. To start
each edition, authorization is requested from the Rector of the
University of Havana, confirming compliance with the
established educational process requirements and reporting any
changes made to the approved programs.
The admission of students is carried out in compliance with
IT 44, which regulates the processes of convocation, admission,
enrollment, withdrawal and re-entry into the Programs. The
pre-admission information and the admission conditions are
communicated in the calls for each edition of the Programs and
independent courses. Admission criteria and processes are
guaranteed to be applied evenly for all students; The results and
decisions about the admission process are kept as documented
information and are available to anyone interested in consulting
them; the traceability of each admission decision is ensured.
For the provision of educational products and services,
processes for teaching, learning facilities and administrative
support are established. IT 43 Evaluations and certifications in
Postgraduate programs regulates the calls and deadlines for the
evaluation of the courses, as well as the preparation of the
Certification of Notes and the Dictum of the Academic
Committee that certifies the fulfillment of all the qualification
requirements demanded in the program. IT 42 regulates
requirements for the writing and defense of the thesis and the
written memory of the professional work.
Through its documented practices the Chair guarantees
traceability of grades, so that an objective connection can be
identified between the student's work submitted and the grade
assigned; retains documented evaluation information as
evidence of assigned ratings for five years; and students have
the opportunity to request rectification of the results of the
assessment activity and the grade.
For each Academic Postgraduate Program, a file is kept with
the following documentation:
Printed copy of the original program design and its
modifications, as well as the following improved versions
approved by the Havana University and the Higher
Education Ministry.
Copy of the Ministerial Resolution that approves the
original program and the Dictums of the Academic
Committee and designated institutional levels that
approve new versions and changes introduced.
Results of the self-evaluations, external evaluations and
other evaluations (inspections, administrative controls,
etc.) carried out on the Program.
Results of the National Accreditation Processes (Dictum
of the National Accreditation Board).
For each edition of the Programs a file is kept with the
following documentation:
Authorization from the Rector to open the edition
Copy of the call
Official enrollment list (IT 44)
Academic calendar of the edition
Documented information of the assessment as evidence of
the grades assigned
Dictums of the Academic Committee on withdrawals,
enrollment by exception, recognitions, proficiency tests,
assignment of external tutors and others
Approving documents from thesis or final professional
work committee issued by the Academic Committee and
approved by the Director of the Biomaterials Center
Official, updated list of the graduates of the Edition
Act of closing the Edition
Results of the self-evaluation corresponding to the edition
and program improvement plan
The proposal for conferment of the Master's Degree or
Postgraduate Specialist is presented to the Postgraduate
Secretariat of the University of Havana, supported by the
following documentation:
Dictum of the Academic Committee (IT 43)
Certification of academic activities and other approved
qualification requirements
Conclusions of the Committee for the Defense of Thesis
or Final Professional Work (IT 42)
The management, conservation and custody of all this
documentation is the responsibility of the Chair, student records
will be kept in the Chair's file until they are transferred to the
Postgraduate Secretariat of the Havana University, where
documentation will be archived indefinitely.
A copy of the written report of the Thesis or Final
Professional Work defended is filed in a place accessible to
students who wish to consult them in paper or digital form.
The Chair's leadership, teaching, and support staff identify
steps to improve the accessibility of educational services,
applying reasonable judgment about what is possible over a
specific time frame (e.g.: consideration of conditions such as
pregnancy and maternity period, prolonged illness). To this end,
individualized measures are applied flexibly, as appropriate,
which may include modifying the curriculum (timing and mode
of delivery) and promoting autonomy and independence. The
credit system favors the flexibility of the curriculum and the
different forms of teaching-learning.
The Chair guarantees identification and traceability with
respect to:
the student's progress through the educational process
follow-up of graduates, whenever possible
the results of the work of the staff
Also, the organization takes care of the property belonging to
any interested party while it is under its control or is being used
by it. The property of an interested party may include materials,
components, tools and equipment, beneficiary facilities,
intellectual property and personal information, certificates,
diplomas and other relevant documents.
In addition, consent is obtained when the property is
incorporated into educational products and services. When a
stakeholder's property is lost, damaged, or otherwise deemed
unsuitable for use, the Board of Directors informs the relevant
stakeholder, takes appropriate corrective action, and retains
documented information about what happened.
The Chair preserves outputs during production and service
provision, to the extent necessary to ensure compliance with
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 01, enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
requirements. The Quality Management Specialist, acting as the
teaching secretary, guards the documented information
referring to the students' data, filed by editions. In virtual
programs, student data is stored on the EVEA platform and the
technological protection measures are validated. Students and
other interested parties have controlled access to their data for
review and update.
The Chair reviews and controls changes for production or
service provision, to the extent necessary to continuously
ensure compliance with requirements. The changes in the
programs are approved at the corresponding institutional level,
as established in Article 49, of the Instruction No. 01/2020. The
documented information that describes the results of the review
of the changes, the persons authorizing the change, and any
necessary actions arising from the review is retained.
Release of educational products and services
The release of products and services to students and other
beneficiaries does not take place until the planned arrangements
have been satisfactorily completed, unless otherwise approved
by a relevant authority and, where applicable, by the student
and other beneficiaries. Postgraduate academic programs are
approved by the Academic Committees, the Scientific Council
of the Center for Biomaterials, CUPOS and COPEP.
The Chair maintains documented information on the release
of products and services, which includes:
evidence of compliance with the acceptance criteria
traceability to the people who authorize the release
The Academic Committees and the Postgraduate Secretariat
of the University of Havana carry out the review of the Student
Records, to verify the adequacy and legality of the information
contained, prior to the Defense of the final work and before the
granting of the corresponding title.
Control of the educational nonconforming outputs
Outputs that do not conform to specified requirements are
identified and controlled to prevent unintended use or delivery.
Appropriate actions are taken based on the nature of the
nonconformity and its effect on the conformity of educational
products and services. This also applies to non-conforming
educational products and services detected after the delivery of
the product, during or after the provision of the services.
When non-conforming outputs are corrected, compliance
with requirements is verified.
The Chair maintains documented information that:
describe the delivery of the programs
describe any non-conforming output
describe the actions taken
describe all concessions obtained
identify the authority deciding the action regarding the
A student who fails a course or other activity in the
curriculum has the possibility of being evaluated in a second
examination session.
Performance evaluation
Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
The Chair monitors its processes and the EOMS, determines
the indicators and measurement criteria to evaluate their
effectiveness. The annual evaluation of processes effectiveness
is carried out, reported in the Management Review and kept as
documented information.
In the meetings of the Academic Committees, compliance
with the Calendar, the satisfaction of the students, the progress
of the evaluations and other activities of the Programs are
monitored. In addition, the completeness of the editions and
students’ files is periodically reviewed. At the end of each
edition, a self-evaluation is carried out following the criteria
established in the Master's Degree Evaluation and
Accreditation System of the National Accreditation Board.
Documented information is kept as evidence of the
monitoring, measurement, analysis, evaluation and its results.
Student satisfaction is monitored through surveys at the end
of each course and upon graduation to evaluate the impact of
the programs (IT 45 Evaluation of the impact of Postgraduate
training). Teachers are surveyed annually to find out their
perceptions of the degree to which their needs and expectations
are met and of the quality of the programs. In the meetings of
the Postgraduate Secretariat and in the supervisions that it
carries out, feedback is obtained on the satisfaction of the
established requirements. At the end of each edition, the self-
evaluation report is sent to the Postgraduate Department of the
University of Havana and feedback on it is obtained. IT 48
establishes the method for handling complaints and appeals and
informs interested parties of its results. The Board analyzes the
data, information that arise from monitoring, and the measures
Internal audits
Internal audits are carried out according to the established
Program to provide information on whether the EOMS:
complies with the Chair's own necessities and with ISO
21001: 2019 standard requirements
is effectively implemented and maintained
The IT 49 Internal Audits establishes the frequency,
methods, responsibilities, planning requirements, the
competence of the auditors and the preparation of the reports.
Management review
The Board of Directors reviews the EOMS, at least once a
year, to ensure its suitability, adequacy, effectiveness and
continuous alignment with its strategic direction.
The Management Review includes considerations on:
the status of actions from prior management reviews
changes in external and internal matters that are pertinent
to the EOMS
information on the performance and effectiveness of the
adequacy of resources
the effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and
opportunities for continuous improvement
feedback from staff related to activities to improve their
The outputs of the Management Review include decisions
and actions related to:
opportunities for improvement
Scientia et Technica Año XXIX, Vol. 29, No. 01, enero-marzo de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
any need to change the EOMS
resource needs
Documented information will be retained as evidence of the
results of management reviews
Nonconformity and corrective actions
When nonconformity occurs, the staff of the Chair:
reacts to the nonconformity and, when necessary, takes
action to control, correct and deal with the consequences
assesses the need for corrective actions to eliminate the
causes of the nonconformity, so that it does not occur again, nor
does it occur in another part of the EOMS
IT 50 establishes the treatment of non-conformities
Continual improvement
The Chair continually improves the suitability, adequacy and
effectiveness of its EOMS, taking into account relevant
research and best practices. The results of the analysis and
evaluation, and the outputs of the Management Review, are
considered to determine if there are needs or opportunities that
should be considered as part of continuous improvement.
Opportunities for improvement
The Chair determines and selects opportunities for
improvement and implements any actions necessary to meet the
requirements of the student and other beneficiaries and improve
the satisfaction of students, other beneficiaries, staff and other
relevant stakeholders, including external providers. These
actions are documented in the Improvement Plan.
Improvements can include correction, corrective action,
continuous improvement, sudden change, innovation, and
This article describes how the ISO 21001: 2018 Educational
Organization Management System has been implemented in a
university unit dedicated to providing postgraduate academic
services in the areas of standardization, metrology and
integrated management systems. Although the implementation
of a standardized management system is a task for which the
Havana University as a whole is not prepared yet and due to its
size and complexity it would be a daunting task, the possibility
of implementing this system in one of its dependencies is a
valuable organizational innovation.
The work carried out shows the real possibility of
implementing the requirements of ISO 21001 and gives an
example to follow for other university areas. The fact that the
Chair already had theoretical and practical experience in the
implementation of standardized management systems, the vast
capability available in postgraduate academic training, the
competence of its staff and the effective leadership of its Board
of Directors, has made possible the implementation of this
system in a short time.
The work carried out places the educational organization in
optimal conditions to request the certification of its
management system, once the specific certification scheme is
approved by the National Standardization Office, an accredited
body for the certification of management systems
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Rosa Mayelin Guerra Bretaña was born
in Havana, Cuba in 1957. She received
degree in Physics from the State
University of San Petersburg, Russia in
1982, and the doctorate degree in
Chemistry in 1991 at de National Centre
from Scientific Research in Cuba. The
since 1991 she works at de Centre of
Biomaterials of the Havana University.
In 1997 Dr. Guerra received the scientific category of Titular
Researcher. In 2018 she received the teaching category Titular
Professor. Currently, her research interests include quality
management, innovation management, metrology,
normalization and integrated management systems. ORCID:
Fridel Julio Ramos Azcuy was born in
Havana, Cuba, on march 18, 1982.
Doctor in Higher Education Sciences -
University of Havana, Cuba (2023). In
2006, he graduated in industrial
ingeneering from Technological
university of Havana (CUJAE). In
2015 he obtained a degree of Magister
in Quality and Environmental
Management at the University of Havana. Since 2018, he works
as professsor and researcher at the Quality, Metrology and
Normalization Chair of the Havana University. His research
interests include quality management, statistics and virtual
education. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5945-446X
She has an extensive professional work and teaching experience
in the accounting and financial field. Member of the Scientific
Council of the IV V - VI International Congress Knowledge
Management for Sustainable Development CIGECYT.
Ecuador, 2020 2022 2023. Junior researcher and
peerevaluator recognized by Minciencias, 2002 and 2023.
Consultant and advisor in business training programs. ORCID:
María Beatriz Valencia Bonilla was born
on May 17, 1969 in Pereira, Risaralda
(Colombia). Doctor in Economic Sciences
- University of Havana (2019), Master in
Economic and Financial Administration -
Technological University of Pereira
(2001), Bachelor of Technical Areas -
Technological University of Pereira
(1998), Industrial Technologist -
Technological University of Pereira (1993). Associate
Professor and researcher at the Technological University of
Pereira, Faculty of Technology, attached to the Industrial
Technology Program from May 1996 to date, also works as a
professor and researcher at the Cooperative University of
Colombia, Faculty of Economic, Administrative and
Accounting Sciences, attached to the Business Administration
Program from February 2016 to June 2020.