Scientia et Technica Año XXIII, Vol. 29, No. 02, abril-junio de año 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
with the advantage to eliminate interface errors. Transient
stability indicators are computed, which showed to be strongly
influenced by the location and duration of the faults. There is
an increasing trend in the results for the maximum rotor speed
deviation and the oscillation duration, which means that the
stability margins are reduced with wind power integration.
From the results, fault at bus 6 exhibit lower values for the
oscillation duration and the maximum rotor speed deviation.
On the other hand, the results for faults at buses 5 and 8
manifest similarities which means more susceptibility to lose
rotor angle stability. In order to improve the transient stability
indicators, constant-speed wind turbines can be equipped with
a pitch control system in such a way that the temporary
imbalance between the input mechanical power and the output
electrical power can be minimized.
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