Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 04, Octubre–diciembre de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
It is concluded that the majority of the requirements proposed
at the outset of this document were successfully fulfilled. The
designed and constructed apparatus facilitates the performance
of dynamic and static tests on various endodontic instruments.
The modular design methodology was implemented, which,
through the analysis of functional relationships, assembly
processes, and spatial configurations, facilitated the
identification and selection of three components suitable for
modularization: the main base module, the base module for
micro-motor, and the base module for artificial channels.
One of the requirements that was not implemented was the
utilization of batteries in the equipment due to the specifications
of the endodontic motor and the variability in test duration.
Furthermore, the bench is designed for use in environments
such as laboratories, dental offices, or classrooms, which are
equipped with a 110-volt electrical network. Consequently, a
110-volt to 12-volt adapter with a type B plug was selected.
Although this aspect was initially stated as a requirement,
during the detailed design stage, it was designated as a future
improvement option. This decision was made considering the
characteristics of the fatigue test and the variability in test
duration depending on the type of test, material, and prior
conditions of the element. Thus, it is necessary to ensure a
constant and regulated power supply.
The second requirement that was eliminated is the connection
cable to the computer, as the configuration of the bench
facilitates the generation of an Excel table containing
information on final time (TF), cycles performed (CI), and file
repetitions (RE) at the conclusion of each test. A microSD
memory port was implemented for data extraction to eliminate
the need for additional cables.
A modular test bench was developed for fatigue testing of
endodontic instruments, capable of conducting dynamic and
static tests through an automated process. The apparatus
accommodates multiple artificial canals arranged linearly,
which can be designed and fabricated using 3D printing
materials. The device records real-time data on Time to
Fracture (TF), number of cycles (CI), and repetitions (RE)
performed by the file.
The authors express their gratitude to the NPO dental clinic
and to the endodontist Nidia Paola Ortiz for her support and for
providing access to the endodontic motor to conduct the
functional bench tests. Additionally, the authors extend their
appreciation to Professor Carlos López Botero for reviewing
the operating manual of the prototype.
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