Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 02, abril-junio de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. ISSN 0122-1701 y ISSN-e: 2344-7214
Biosorption and bioremediation of wastewater of
textile origin: A sustainable solution for the industry.
Biosorción y biorremediación de aguas residuales de origen textil: Una solución sostenible
para la industria.
S. Patiño-Jiménez ;D. M. Ocampo-Serna
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22517/23447214.25501
Review article
Abstract Today, the textile industry stands out for its
global economic contribution. However, its expansion
brings growing concern due to environmental impact and
massive generation of highly polluted wastewater. These
waters, originating from the textile industry, host a wide
range of harmful organic compounds, including dyes,
persistent chemicals, heavy metals and other elements,
representing a significant environmental challenge and a
significant risk to aquatic ecosystems and human health.
This article focuses on the application of bioremediation
and biosorption as essential methods to address the problem
of water pollution from the textile industry. These methods
have emerged as promising and sustainable solutions to this
growing concern, offering significant progress in water
pollution mitigation and a hopeful outlook for the
sustainable development of the textile industry. Its proper
and continued implementation can lead to more responsible
and environmentally friendly practices to degrade and
eliminate pollutants using microorganisms effectively.
Index Terms Bioremediation, Biosorption, Contaminants,
Textile industry, Wastewater.
Resumen— En la actualidad, la industria textil destaca por su
contribución económica a nivel mundial. No obstante, su
expansión conlleva una creciente inquietud debido al impacto
ambiental y la generación masiva de aguas residuales altamente
contaminadas. Estas aguas, provenientes de la industria textil,
albergan una amplia gama de compuestos orgánicos nocivos,
incluyendo colorantes, sustancias químicas persistentes, metales
pesados y otros elementos, representando un desafío ambiental
considerable y un riesgo significativo para los ecosistemas
acuáticos y la salud humana. Este artículo se enfoca en la
aplicación de la biorremediación y la biosorción, como métodos
esenciales para abordar la problemática de la contaminación del
agua derivada de la industria textil. Estos métodos han surgido
This manuscript was submitted on November 30, 2023, accepted on July 04,
2023 and published on July 22 2024. This work was supported by the
Environmental Studies in Water and Soil Research Group of the University of
Caldas. . Stefany Patiño Jiménez Stefany Patiño Jiménez has a Master's degree
in Chemistry and a researcher associated with the GEAAS group at the
University of Caldas. (email: Stefany.patino@ucaldas.edu.co).
como soluciones prometedoras y sostenibles frente a esta
preocupación creciente, ofreciendo avances significativos en la
mitigación de la contaminación del agua y un panorama
esperanzador para el desarrollo sostenible de la industria textil. Su
implementación adecuada y continuada puede conducir a
prácticas más responsables y respetuosas con el medio ambiente
para degradar y eliminar contaminantes utilizando
microrganismos de manera efectiva.
Palabras claves— Agua residual, Biorremediación, Biosorción,
Contaminantes, Industria textil.
ndustrial wastewater has become a global concern in recent
decades due to its significant contribution of hard-to-remove
substances in water treatment processes. The textile and food
industries are among the first sources responsible for water
pollution due to their numerous processes involving the
generation of a significant proportion of these wastes, releasing
a variety of pollutants [1], including fats, detergents, colorants,
dyes, artificial sweeteners, synthetic substances and other
chemicals, which do not adhere completely to fabrics or food,
they are discharged as effluents and are harmful to both the
environment and human health.
In the context of a global economy increasingly aware of the
need to adopt environmentally friendly practices [2], the
emoval of pollutants from wastewater has become an
inescapable priority.
Based on a bibliographic review, wastewater of textile origin
will be explored, considering its main components, the methods
commonly used for its treatment and biosorption and
bioremediation are proposed as sustainable alternatives to
obtain more environmentally friendly discharges.
Diana Marcela Ocampo Serna is a Doctor in Chemical Sciences, researcher
and professor at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences at the University of
Caldas. (email: diana.ocampo@ucaldas.edu.co).
Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 02, abril-junio de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
Different databases were used using keywords such as
wastewater, conventional methods, and filtering the search to
the last, decade and which will present information of technical
and scientific relevance.
The wastewater generated by the textile industry presents a
series of characteristics due to its dyeing, printing and finishing
processes of textiles that require special attention.[3]Firstly,
these waters usually contain a wide variety of chemical
substances in their composition, such as colorants, dyes,
surfactants, finishing products and bleaching agents and heavy
metals, depending on the specific production processes used in
the industry and the types of manufactured textile products.
Some of the main components present in textile wastewater
They are one of the most prominent contaminants in textile
wastewater. They can be of natural or synthetic origin, and their
presence in water can cause environmental problems due to
their chromatic intensity and potential toxicity. The textile
industry uses and consumes different dyes, pigments and dyes,
the estimated annual production of synthetic dyes is 700,000
tons [4]. According to estimates, up to 50% of the dyes used in
the textile industry end up in discharged water due to their low
degree of fixation in textiles [5].
Synthetic dyes are usually complex organic compounds that
contain chemical groups such as azo, anthraquinone or
phthalocyanine, among others. Since the synthesis of the first
synthetic dyes, approximately 10,000 dyes have been produced,
of which 30% are azo dyes, a group widely used in the textile
industry, which represents around 70% of total production [3].
Azo dyes: Azo dyes are a class of synthetic dyes widely used
in the textile industry due to their versatility and availability in
a wide range of colors [6]. However, some azo dyes can be
problematic, as they contain azo groups (N=N), which can be
reduced to aromatic amines under anaerobic conditions. These
aromatic amines can be toxic and carcinogenic to aquatic
organisms and human health.
Reactive dyes: Reactive dyes, although they are highly
efficient in fixing to textile fibers, form covalent bonds between
the dye and the fiber due to the presence of their metal
complexes [7], can also generate a significant contaminant load
in wastewater. This is because during the
fixation process, only a portion of the dye adheres to the fibers,
while excess dye and auxiliary chemicals are released into
wastewater. These auxiliary chemicals, such as metal salts and
cross-linking agents, can contribute to water pollution and
sludge formation.
% in
Disperse dyes: Disperse dyes, which are nonionic and used to
dye synthetic fibers such as polyester, can present challenges in
wastewater treatment due to their low water solubility. These
dyes tend to be resistant to biological degradation [8] and can
persist in wastewater even after.
Conventional treatment. Additionally, fine particles of
dispersed dye can contribute to water turbidity and make it
difficult for sunlight to penetrate receiving water bodies.
Basic dyes: Basic dyes are salt-based and cationic in form;
Mainly used in acrylic fibers, they can be problematic in
wastewater due to their cationic charge [9]. These dyes can
interact with particles suspended in water and form insoluble
complexes, which can contribute to turbidity and sludge
buildup in treatment systems.
These compounds make the clarification and disinfection
processes of wastewater difficult during its treatment due to the
intense color they provide and their difficulty in degrading them
using conventional methods. [3]The amount of dyes present in
the water effluents depending on their fixation can be seen in
table I.
Auxiliary chemicals
The textile industry uses a wide range of auxiliary chemicals
in manufacturing processes, such as sizing agents, bleaches,
dispersants, surfactants, leveling agents and dye fixing agents
[10]. These chemicals may be present in wastewater in the form
of unused substances or as byproducts of chemical reactions.
Sizing Agents: Sizing agents, also known as finishing agents,
are used to improve the aesthetic and functional properties of
Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 02, abril-junio de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
textiles, such as softness, wrinkle resistance and iron ability
[11]. These agents contain polymeric compounds and
surfactants [12], such as silicones and cationic compounds,
which contribute to the contaminant load and negatively affect
water quality.
Whiteners: Bleaches are used in the textile industry to remove
stains and discolorations from textiles. Bleaches often contain
hydrogen peroxide or compounds that release active oxygen
during the bleaching process [13]. If not properly removed
during rinsing, these bleaches are released into wastewater.
Dispersants: Dispersants are used to prevent the formation of
precipitates and the deposition of impurities on textiles during
dyeing and finishing processes. These chemicals help keep
particles dispersed in the water, preventing their accumulation
on textiles. However, some dispersants are not completely
removed during washing processes [14] and rinse, remaining as
contaminants in wastewater.
Fixing agents: Fixing agents are used to improve the fixation of
dyes in textiles, ensuring greater color fastness [11]. These
agents contain metal salts and reactive compounds, which
directly affect water quality and aquatic ecosystems.
It is important to note that the impact of auxiliary chemicals on
wastewater depends on several factors, such as the
concentration used, the application method, treatment processes
and proper effluent management.
Oils and fats
Lubricating oils and greases used in textile machinery and in
spinning, weaving or finishing processes can be carried away
by washing water and end up in wastewater. [4] These
compounds can generate a layer on the surface of the water,
making it difficult for oxygen to enter and negatively affecting
aquatic life.
Finishing oils: Finishing oils, such as mineral oils and
synthetic oils, are used in the textile industry to improve the
properties of textiles, such as waterproofing. These oils make it
difficult to remove suspended solids and reduce the efficiency
of biological treatment processes.
Lubricating greases: Lubricating greases, such as petroleum-
based greases or synthetic greases, are used in textile machinery
to reduce friction and wear. During machinery maintenance and
cleaning processes, these greases can be released into
wastewater. These greases are difficult to remove by
conventional wastewater treatment processes and tend to form
oily films on the water surface, clogging treatment systems and
affecting oxygen transfer in receiving water bodies.
Emulsifying oils: Emulsifying oils are used to form stable
water-in-oil or oil-in-water emulsions. These emulsions are
used in dyeing and finishing processes, as well as in the
production of textile products, such as synthetic fibers. These
oils can cause phase separation problems in wastewater
treatment systems and make contaminant removal difficult.
Release oils: Mold release oils are used to facilitate the
extraction of textiles from the molds during manufacturing
processes. These oils may contain compounds such as paraffins,
waxes and lubricants. If not removed properly, they form greasy
films on the surface of the water.
Suspended solids
Suspended solids, such as textile fibers, dust or sediment, can
be present in textile wastewater, contributing to the clogging of
equipment and pipes, reducing system efficiency and increasing
maintenance costs. These particles also reduce the transfer of
oxygen from air to water, affecting biological treatment
processes such as aerobic digestion and the activity of
microorganisms responsible for degrading organic matter. [5]
Additionally, they generate a decrease in the clarity of the water
and an increase in its turbidity, which interferes in the filtration
processes, separation of solids, and leads to an increase in
sedimentation, favoring the formation of sludge in the different
stages of wastewater treatment. the self-purification capacity of
the receiving bodies.
Heavy metals
In the production process of the textile industry, some dyes
and chemicals contain heavy metals, which have a significant
impact, making conventional wastewater treatment difficult and
can be toxic even at low concentrations [4]. Among the most
common heavy metals in the textile industry, copper (Cu)
stands out, which causes an increase in turbidity, alters the color
and modifies the pH of wastewater, lead (Pb) which interferes
with coagulation processes. and flocculation, making the
formation of flocs and the separation of particles difficult,
cadmium (Cd) that accumulates in the tissues of aquatic
organisms and interferes with the precipitation and adsorption
processes, Mercury (Hg) which is extremely toxic, bio
accumulative, and adsorption on activated carbon or chemical
precipitation, for efficient removal. And finally, chromium
(Cr), which can exist in its trivalent (Cr (III)) or hexavalent (Cr
(VI)) form, which is a toxic and carcinogenic agent, [15] whose
presence in textile wastewater can cause serious problems.
environmental, and require special treatments such as chemical
reduction or specific adsorption for effective removal.
Organic and inorganic compounds
In addition to dyes and auxiliary chemicals, textile
wastewater can contain a variety of organic and inorganic
compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),
amines, formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) that tend to evaporate easily and generate unpleasant
odors in wastewater and other chemicals with high
concentrations of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus,
Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 02, abril-junio de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
due to the use of fertilizer chemicals in the stamping and
finishing processes. These nutrients promote excessive growth
of algae and aquatic plants in receiving water bodies, causing
eutrophication problems.
These predominant polluting substances in the production
process of the textile industry are usually toxic and persistent in
the environment, degrading the aesthetic quality of the
receiving bodies [16], increasing biochemical properties,
affecting aquatic ecosystems, the metabolism of fauna, the
development of photosynthesis, preventing the growth of flora,
promoting resistance, bioaccumulation, toxicity and
representing a risk to human health due to the increase in
carcinogenic and mutagenicity factors [17].
Another relevant characteristic of industrial wastewater is its
high organic load, due to the presence of persistent compounds
that consume dissolved oxygen, generating the death of many
organisms present in water sources.
In addition to chemical contaminants, these effluents can
contain high levels of suspended solids, unbalanced pH, high
chemical demand (COD) and biochemical demand (BOD) for
oxygen, decreasing their biodegradability [18].
Given the complexity and diversity of its contaminants,
wastewater of industrial origin, especially from the textile and
food industry, requires exhaustive characterization before
treatment and discharge, through physicochemical and
biological analyzes that determine the concentration and
toxicity of the different contaminants. contaminants present.
The characterization of industrial wastewater allows us to
evaluate the environmental impact of the textile industry and
are fundamental indicators for the design, construction and
efficient operation of treatment plants, because they allow us to
select the most appropriate technologies and establish the
control parameters that guarantee efficient removal of
Some key parameters to consider are the following:
pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of wastewater
wastewater, it is an important parameter, it can vary depending
on the processes and chemicals used [2]. Extreme pH values
negatively affect aquatic organisms and treatment systems,
reducing the efficiency of the coagulation, flocculation and
precipitation processes used.
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
BOD is a measure of the amount of oxygen that
microorganisms need to biodegrade organic substances present
in wastewater. BOD is used to evaluate biodegradable organic
load and biological treatment capacity. A high BOD value
indicates a higher biodegradable organic load, which may
require more efficient biological processes.
Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
COD is a measure of the amount of organic substances and
some inorganic substances present in wastewater that can be
chemically oxidized. This parameter indicates the total organic
load and oxygen consumption capacity of the wastewater. A
high COD value indicates a higher organic load and may require
more intensive biological or chemical treatment steps.
Total suspended solids (TSS)
TSS represents the amount of solid particles that are
suspended in the wastewater. These particles can include
organic matter, inorganic particles, textile fibers and other
contaminants. TSS are an indicator of wastewater turbidity and
clarity, and their removal is typically performed in pretreatment
stages such as sedimentation or filtration.
Adsorption is one of the most effective textile wastewater
treatments, because the matter and dyes are transferred to a
surface of highly porous solid particles [19], activated carbon is
one of the most used adsorbents [20]. However, this technique
requires pretreatment of the samples to avoid clogging of the
filters by the suspended solids contained therein.
Cation exchange
It is a process by which cationic contaminants, such as dyes,
heavy metals and salts, are eliminated [21], this technique uses
strong cationic resins with positively charged functional
groups, such as sulfonic groups (-SO3H) or phosphonic groups
(-PO3H2) or weak cationic resins with carboxylic groups (-
COOH) or amino groups (-NH2) and takes advantage of the
properties of attraction between charged ions to generate that
the undesirable cations of the wastewater and the contaminants
are exchanged for sodium or hydrogen ions of the resin, leaving
other functional groups attached and allowing the collection of
the treated water at the end of the column[22]. As the resin
becomes saturated with cationic contaminants, its exchange
capacity is exhausted, requiring a regeneration process to
continue its operation in the treatment process. This process has
the limitation that it does not work for anionic compounds such
as detergents.
Biological treatment
Wastewater treatment with activated sludge is a widely used
Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 02, abril-junio de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
biological process to remove contaminants and occurs in 2 main
stages: Aerobic Stage: In the aerobic stage, wastewater is mixed
with activated sludge, which is a diverse population of
microorganisms. Aerobics [11]such as bacteria of the genus
Pseudomonas that degrade hydrocarbons, phenols and
synthetic chemicals; Aeromonas efficient in the elimination of
nitrogenous compounds [23], such as ammonium and nitrate,
Bacillus effective in removing fats and oils [24], Acinetobacter
capable of decomposing recalcitrant organic compounds,
among others, protozoa of the genera Paramecium,
Tetrahymena and Vorticella that use their cilia to capture and
engulf bacteria, allowing the biological balance of the system
to be controlled [25], maintaining the appropriate, diverse and
healthy microbial community, favoring the removal of organic
matter and improving the efficiency of the treatment. Finally,
some fungal mycelia of the genus Trichoderma stand out that
produce ligninolytic enzymes and cellulases that help degrade
dyes and Aspergillus capable of degrading recalcitrant organic
compounds and can help in the elimination of textile dyes and
phenolic compounds.
During this aerobic stage it is important to guarantee adequate
temperature, pH, agitation and dissolved oxygen conditions to
ensure a uniform distribution of the interaction between
microorganisms and contaminants.
Once the aerobic stage is completed, the wastewater passes to
the Sedimentation Stage: In this stage, the activated sludge and
biological contaminants form heavier flocs that settle at the
bottom of the sedimentation tank, the clarified water is removed
at the top. top of the tank and undergo a final disinfection stage
before being released into the environment.
Chemical oxidation
Chemical oxidation processes use oxidizing agents such as
ozone that are capable of selectively oxidizing unsaturations
[26] and aromatic structures[9], is an effective technique in
bleaching acid dyes [27], but it only has a slight effect in terms
of reducing total organic carbon [28] or hydrogen peroxide by
the Fenton reaction [29], to break down organic compounds and
remove contaminants from textile wastewater [30].
Photochemical oxidation processes are also used that combine
UV radiation with compounds such as titanium oxide [31],
where UV radiation activates these catalyst compounds,
providing the appropriate conditions to oxidize the dyes
efficiently and without producing odors, sediments or
electrolytic oxidation that allows the hydrolysis of dyes by
controlled potentials or by reagents produced by
electrolysis,[15,32] generating the conversion of organic matter
to less polluting compounds using electric current [33,34].
Conventional wastewater treatment processes are often
ineffective in completely eliminating these pollutants, which
has prompted the search for new treatment alternatives, which
allow wastewater containing dyes to be effectively managed
using eco-technological methods to avoid adverse effects on the
environment. environment, human health and natural water
Inverse osmosis
Reverse osmosis is a technique used to remove hydrolyzed
reactive dyes [35], auxiliary chemicals producing a high quality
of permeate, and allowing the recovery of treated water.
Bioremediation and biosorption have emerged as promising
technologies for the treatment of industrial wastewater,
providing sustainable and efficient solutions to the problem of
aquatic pollution.
Bioremediation is a natural process that takes advantage of the
capacity of certain microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi and
algae [36], to degrade and transform toxic substances into less
harmful compounds or even into harmless products [37]. This
process can occur in natural systems, such as wetlands and
treatment ponds; or controlled systems such as wastewater
treatment plants [38, 39]. In the case of textile wastewater,
bioremediation can be applied in several ways:
Aerobic bioremediation
It is one of the most used techniques, where microorganisms are
introduced into the wastewater and oxygen is provided that
promotes the degradation of contaminants [40]. These aerobic
microorganisms use the organic compounds present in
wastewater as sources of carbon and energy, transforming them
into carbon dioxide, water and biomass [35,26]. This technique
effectively removes compounds such as dyes, surfactants and
other organic contaminants.
Anaerobic bioremediation
It is a technique that is carried out in the absence of oxygen. In
this process, aerobic microorganisms break down organic
pollutants into simpler compounds, such as methane and carbon
dioxide [41]. It is a particularly efficient technique in removing
recalcitrant and toxic compounds such as dyes and persistent
It is another bioremediation technique that uses plants to
remove contaminants present in wastewater [42]. Some plants
have the ability to accumulate heavy metals and other toxic
compounds in their tissues [43], allowing its extraction and
decontamination from the water [44]. In addition, plants also
release organic compounds into the soil that tend to promote
microbial activity and favor the degradation of contaminants.
Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 02, abril-junio de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
It is a technique that uses a layer of microorganisms attached to
a filter medium, such as sand, activated carbon or peat, to
degrade the organic compounds in the dyes [45] and chemical
substances: The wastewater passes through the filter medium
and the microorganisms present in it decompose the
compounds, eliminating them from the water [46]. Biofilters
can be used as a treatment stage in treatment plants or in specific
filtration systems.
Enzymatic Bioremediation
Some enzymes produced by microorganisms have the ability
to accelerate the chemical reactions necessary to break down
dyes and chemicals [47]. These enzymes, such as laccases,
which allow the degradation of aromatic structures, generate
free radicals and peroxides that oxidize the chromophore
groups present in the dyes and break the chemical bonds,
facilitating the elimination of phenolic compounds and azo
dyes; peroxidases that use hydrogen peroxide as a co-substrate
[48], allowing the oxidation and discoloration of the
chromophore groups, modifying its chemical structure and
decreasing the intensity of the color [49], act mainly on phenols
and aromatic amines. Ligninases that degrade lignocellulosic
compounds, breaking the chemical bonds present in the dyes
[49], breaking them into smaller fragments, proteases that
catalyze the degradation of proteins present in textile waste;
these enzymes help break down the peptide bonds in proteins,
turning them into smaller peptides and amino acids [50],
facilitating the elimination of protein residues and reducing the
organic load in waste water, lipases that decompose the lipids
and fats present in textile waste, hydrolyzing the ester bonds of
lipids, releasing fatty acids and glycerol. By breaking down
lipids, lipases help eliminate fatty components present in
wastewater and reduce the formation of unwanted foams.
Membrane bioreactors
Membrane bioreactors (BRM) are systems that combine
bioreactor technology with membrane filtration for the
treatment of textile wastewater. These systems combine the
biodegradation of contaminants by microorganisms with the
physical separation of solids and biomass through
semipermeable membranes, offering high quality of the treated
effluent [51], increased space efficiency due to combined
biological and separation processes, and increased resistance to
charge fluctuations and toxicity shocks.
There are several types of membrane bioreactors used to treat
textile wastewater. Some of the most common are activated
sludge membrane bioreactor (MBR), which uses the activated
sludge process for microorganisms in the activated sludge to
biodegrade organic contaminants in wastewater combined with
submerged or ultrafiltration membranes [17], which will retain
suspended solids and microorganisms, allowing the treated
water to pass through them; membrane biofilm bioreactor
(MBBR), in this type of bioreactor, a biofilm is formed on a
support or growth medium suspended in the reaction tank that
provides a surface for the growth of microorganisms [52,53]
that break down pollutants. MBBRs effectively remove organic
contaminants and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus
present in textile wastewater. Anaerobic Membrane
Bioreactor (AnMBR)
This bioreactor combines membrane technology with
anaerobic processes, where microorganisms decompose
organic contaminants in the absence of oxygen, effectively
reducing chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biogas from
organic contaminants present in the textile wastewater.
However, this technique requires higher investment and
maintenance costs due to the presence of membranes and the
need for regular cleaning and replacement.
The Biosorption technique consists of the passive adsorption
of toxic substances by living, dead or inactive biological
materials, such as microorganisms, bacteria of the
Pseudomonas type, Bacillus, Escherichia coli and Shewanella,
known for their ability to adsorb and reduce heavy metals,
Algae such as Chlorella. and Scenedesmus, cyanobacteria,
such as Spirulina and Microcystis that adsorb and accumulate
heavy metals [54], nitrogen and phosphorus, fungi such as
Aspergillus, Trichoderma and Penicillium efficient in the
adsorption of heavy metals due to their high chitin content,
which facilitates binding with metal ions, yeasts such as
Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida utilis whose cell
surface is rich in functional groups , allow it to interact with
contaminants and adsorb them biological byproducts, enzymes
and lignocellulosic materials, which have the ability to act as
adsorbents for certain types of contaminants present in
wastewater [55], accumulating them inside through chemical
and biological interactions. It allows you to remove dyes, heavy
metals, organic compounds and other organic and inorganic
contaminants [56].This technique can occur by physical
adsorption, where the contaminants physically adhere to the
surface of the biomass due to electrostatic, van der Waals or
hydrogen forces, in a rapid and reversible process, by chemical
adsorption, thanks to the binding of the contaminants with the
hydroxyl, carboxyl, amino or sulfhydryl functional groups,
present in the biomass in a way that is stronger and less
reversible than physical adsorption or bioaccumulation, where
the tissues or cells of living organisms absorb contaminants and
these accumulate in their inside. This process is especially
relevant in the accumulation of heavy metals by certain species
of microorganisms.[57].
The biosorption process in the treatment of textile wastewater
has the advantage of affecting a selective removal of specific
contaminants and biological organisms can be modified or
treated to increase their adsorption capacity, and even allows
the use of biomaterials derived from the agricultural industry or
Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 02, abril-junio de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
forestry. However, it refers to optimal environmental conditions
for the growth and activity of organisms, the possible inhibition
or toxicity of certain contaminants on organisms, and the need
to regenerate or deactivate the biomass used after the
biosorption process.
Annex I summarizes the various methods of textile wastewater
treatment, taking into account some of their advantages and
Conventional biological treatment is very commonly used for
the biodegradation of compounds due to the advantages that the
process is relatively economical, has low operating costs and
can produce a clean effluent after partial or total degradation of
the initial product, although they can be slow (between 12-24
hours) and generate sludge. On the other hand, the use of fungi
manages to remove a high percentage of dyes in sterile
conditions and with operation times between 12 and 24 hours,
guaranteeing a process without the generation of byproduct
[25]. Enzymatic treatment, for its part, is a process with short
residence times of approximately 1 due to the high degradation
kinetics, acting for the conversion of substances.
Bioremediation of textile wastewater has numerous benefits.
Firstly, they are more sustainable alternatives compared to
conventional wastewater treatment methods, such as chemical
oxidation or adsorption on activated carbon [59], which can be
costly and generate undesirable byproducts.
The use of enzymes in the degradation of dyes has several
advantages. Primarily, enzymes have a great capacity to
accelerate chemical reactions and are highly specific in their
action, which means that they can selectively target certain
compounds without affecting other components present in the
wastewater [58], minimizing the generation of unwanted
byproducts and reducing toxicity.
Additionally, they can operate in mild conditions, such as
moderate temperatures and neutral pH ranges, consuming less
energy and reducing environmental impact compared to other
degradation methods that require extreme conditions.
However, there are also challenges associated with the use of
enzymes, because some can be expensive to produce on a large
scale, limiting their application in the textile industry.
Furthermore, they are usually sensitive to adverse conditions
such as very high concentrations of contaminants, heavy metals
or chemical inhibitors present in wastewater, which is why it is
necessary to carry out research to optimize their production,
stability and efficiency in industrial applications.
Dyes are natural and synthetic compounds that enhance the
beauty of the world with colored products, however, they are
pollutants of some water sources. The textile industry will
continue to be an important focus of attention regarding efforts
to conserve water and the search for more sustainable and green
methods that eliminate as much pollution as possible from final
The treatment of these industrial wastewaters is a problem that
has not been satisfactorily resolved by existing
physicochemical and biological methods. This review
compares various methods and outlines some of the advantages
and disadvantages of each method's role in bleaching
contaminated tributaries.
Firstly, physical methods only transfer contaminant molecules
to another phase instead of destroying them and are efficient for
small volumes, then the main drawback of chemical processes
is the need for a pretreatment process, their high cost for the
acquisition of chemical products and the disposal of the sludge
generated. And finally, it is evident that alternative methods
have greater ranges of operability in terms of pH, temperature,
salinity conditions and allow us to observe their potential
regarding the use of clean technologies, biological materials,
such as algae, fungi and bacteria, to adsorb and accumulate
contaminants into your cells without producing byproducts or
secondary contaminants.
These processes have proven to be effective in removing a wide
range of contaminants, including dyes, and present significant
advantages over conventional methods in terms of cost,
efficiency and sustainability.
Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 02, abril-junio de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
Precipitation, coagulation,
Short time and low cost
Solids separation
They generate high quality
Slow and non-selective
Activated carbon
Broad dye removal
High implementation cost
Filtration membranes
Removal of all types of dyes
Production of concentrated
Ion exchange
Regeneration without loss of
Not effective for all dyes
Fenton process
Eliminates soluble and insoluble
dyes, high discoloration speeds
Generates sludge, high cost of
Effective in gaseous state, does not
generate waste or sludge.
Pot life 20 min, not suitable for
disperse dyes
Photochemical Oxidation
Effective, Does not generate sludge
or odors
It requires a radiation source, a
slow process, forms byproducts
and is ineffective at an industrial
Electrochemical oxidation
Degrades a large amount of toxic
compounds, does not require the
addition of chemicals
High energy consumption
generates byproducts through
parallel reactions
Economically feasible
High sludge production
Aerobic Bioremediation
Partial or total discoloration for
all types of dyes
High cost treatment
Anaerobic Bioremediation
Resistant to a wide variety of
complex dyes
Long acclimatization phases
Enzymatic bioremediation
Effective for specifically
selected compounds
Requires isolation and
Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 02, abril-junio de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
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The authors thank Minciencias for financing the project
202010034716 titled “Alternative technologies for the
treatment of wastewater from the textile industry”,
belonging to the CALL FOR PROJECTS
Stefany Patiño Jiménez is an Industrial
Chemistry and Master in Chemistry, she
has worked in the industrial sector,
especially in the area of environmental
chemistry. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-
Diana Marcela Ocampo Serna has a
degree in Biology and Chemistry,
Master in Chemistry and Doctor in
Chemical Sciences, Full Professor of
the Department of Chemistry, leader of
the Environmental Studies in Water and
Soil Research Group.