Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 04, octubre–diciembre de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.ISSN 0122-1701 y ISSN-e: 2344-7214 181
Abstract The integration of augmented reality (AR) technology
worldwide has been pivotal for advancements across various
sectors. Its accessibility and availability are fundamental to
technological evolution. This paper presents a literature review on
the applications of AR in health sciences, highlighting its main
contributions and advancements in this field. To assess the level of
attention from the scientific community, three search algorithms
were employed using the Scopus database with relevant keywords
and a historical range extending to the present. The search was
restricted to review, research, and conference articles. The results
indicate a growing and profound interest from the research
community in exploring the role of AR in health sciences over
recent years.
Index Terms— augmented reality, health sciences, literature
review, search algorithm, database.
Resumen—La inclusión de la tecnología de realidad aumentada
(AR, por sus siglas en inglés) a nivel mundial ha sido crucial para
el desarrollo de muchos sectores, su accesibilidad y disponibilidad
es fundamental para la evolución tecnológica. Este documento
presenta una revisión de literatura acerca de AR en las ciencias de
la salud, sus principales contribuciones y avances en el campo de
estudio. En ese sentido, para indagar sobre la atención de la
comunidad científica hacia este tema; se emplearon tres
algoritmos de búsqueda a través de la base de datos Scopus
mediante palabras clave y años desde la historia hasta la
actualidad. La búsqueda se limitó a artículos de revisión,
investigación y conferencias. Los resultados demuestran que
durante los últimos años ha habido un profundo interés por parte
de la comunidad de investigadores para indagar acerca de AR
sobre las ciencias de la salud.
Palabras claves— realidad aumentada, ciencias de la salud,
revisión de literatura, algoritmo de búsqueda, base de datos.
HE augmented reality (AR) has been a fundamental part
of the important technological revolution, which positions it
as a digital tool of great projection worldwide. Its incorporation
in various activities of education, medicine, automotive,
architecture and design, training and simulation, make it a
complementary form of learning and entertainment for society.
AR has been applied in oral health processes [1], astronaut
mental health and space tourism [2],
This manuscript was submitted on February 29, 2024. Accepted on November
21, 2024. And published on December 20, 2024.
training and education in plastic surgery [3], as well as in the
manufacturing industry [4], gaming and entertainment [5].
This tool holds great potential in the health sciences sector and
is expected to have a promising future in medical and
biomedical education and training [6], [7]; allowing students
and healthcare professionals to visualize and practice
procedures in virtual environments to improve their
understanding and skills in the relevant competencies,
facilitating the cooperation of professionals in different parts of
the world.
This technology can even facilitate communication between
doctors and patients by visualizing data in a more
understandable and accessible way, as well as providing
personalized information and reminders about health care,
medications, symptom monitoring and healthy lifestyle advice.
However, it will be necessary to dig a little deeper into AR from
its beginnings, main contributions and founded hopes for its
contribution to health sciences.
Augmented Reality (AR) is an innovative technology that
seamlessly blends virtual and real elements, creating an
interactive and immersive experience [8]. In health sciences,
AR implementation has unlocked numerous opportunities for
enhancing medical care, advancing professional training, and
empowering patients.
This technology enables the projection of digital information,
such as images, graphics or three-dimensional models, onto the
real physical environment, providing users with an immersive
experience that improves the understanding of complex medical
concepts [9]. It also contributes significantly in different
academic aspects such as: i) improving the visualization and
understanding of medical information, allowing health
professionals and patients to interact with three-dimensional
models of organs, tissues, and systems of the human body [10],
ii) medical education and training to offer through AR great
possibilities of education and training to health care
professionals [11], improving patient participation to actively
involve patients in their own health care through the use of
technological applications and devices, iv) access to relevant
information about specific diseases, drugs or treatments,
allowing people to understand their current condition and make
informed decisions, v) improving the visualization of the
expected effects of a treatment or procedure, facilitating
patient-physician communication and increasing patient
confidence in the plan of care [12].
Through this work, an analysis of existing research on AR in
Augmented reality applied to health sciences: a
literature review
Realidad aumentada aplicada a ciencias de la salud: una revisión de literatura
J. D. Parra-Quintero C. A. Mueses-Erazo
DOI: 10.22517/23447214.25528
Artículo de investigación científica y tecnológica
Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 04, octubre –diciembre de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
the field of health sciences was carried out, its scope is limited
to the main research, conferences and reviews and analysis
documents were located through the Scopus platform. It is for
this reason that this article presents the main contributions and
advances of AR in health sciences, details its main applications
since its beginnings, and reports relevant research within the
discipline. The second section presents the materials and
methods used to perform the bibliographic analysis using the
aforementioned database. In the third part, the results of the
search are highlighted and the main contributions of AR to the
health sciences, especially bioengineering, are discussed [13]–
[15], medicine [11], [16], nursing [17], [18], oncology [19],
clinical psychology [2], [20], [21], and dentistry [22], [23].
In the following section, a literature review is conducted
using three search algorithms, which comprise the role of AR
on health sciences.
A. Data source and search strategy
There are currently various tools for searching scientific
information, including PubMed, UpToDate, ScienceDirect,
Web of Science (WOS), and Scopus. The latter has been the
most widely used repository of information as a method to find
scientific information, which has been widely used for the
dissemination of new knowledge [21], [24].
For this purpose, three search algorithms were implemented
within the referred database. For the first, the code [TITLE-
ABS-KEY (augmented AND reality AND in AND health AND
sciences)] was used, where keywords associated with
augmented reality applied to health sciences were taken into
account. For the second and third search algorithms, the search
criteria [TITLE-ABS-KEY ( augmented AND reality AND in
AND health AND sciences ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR ,
2023 ) OR LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR , 2022 ) OR LIMIT-TO (
PUBYEAR , 2021 ) OR LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR , 2020 ) OR
LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR , 2019 ) )] and the criterion [TITLE-
ABS-KEY ( augmented AND reality AND in AND health AND
sciences ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( DOCTYPE , "ar" ) OR LIMIT-
TO ( DOCTYPE , "re" ) OR LIMIT-TO ( DOCTYPE , "cp" )
PUBYEAR , 2023 ) OR LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR , 2022 ) OR
, 2020 ) OR LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR , 2019 ) )], respectively.
The difference between the second and third algorithms is that
within the exploration process using the data platform; all
documents are restricted to the last five years (second
algorithm), and also, to only review, conference and research
type documents (third algorithm) for those same last five years.
In this section, the results of the three searches that were
performed are shown. Then, a report is made, and, finally, the
interest of the scientific community in applied AR studies in
health sciences is discussed.
A. Preliminary approaches
In the first search, [TITLE-ABS-KEY (augmented AND
reality AND in AND health AND sciences)], 254 documents
were found from 2003 to 2023. The United States is the country
with the highest number of published papers (50), followed by
Australia (25), and finally Spain (23). Figure 1 shows the
number of related documents published per country,
highlighting the top 10 globally.
Figure 1. Number of documents by country for the first search algorithm.
Source: own elaboration.
The Figure 2 represents the countries reported using the
second search algorithm through the code [TITLE-ABS-KEY
(augmented AND reality AND in AND health AND sciences)
PUBYEAR , 2022 ) OR LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR , 2021 ) OR
, 2019 ))], in that sense, about 190 resolved documents were
obtained from the year 2019 to 2023. The United States is the
country with the highest number of published papers (39),
followed by Australia (18), and finally Spain (17). Although the
same top 3 as in the first algorithm is maintained, it is important
to clarify that the total number of documents tends to decrease
due to the discretization of the search by means of the filter of
the last five years.
Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 04, octubre –diciembre de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
Figure 2. Number of documents by country for the second search algorithm.
Source: own elaboration.
In the third search [TITLE-ABS-KEY ( augmented AND
reality AND in AND health AND sciences ) AND ( LIMIT-TO
( DOCTYPE , "ar" ) OR LIMIT-TO ( DOCTYPE , "re" ) OR
"cr" ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR , 2023 ) OR LIMIT-TO
( PUBYEAR , 2022 ) OR LIMIT-TO ( PUBYEAR , 2021 ) OR
, 2019 ) )], 151 solved papers were found from 2019 to 2023
limiting the algorithm in research, review and conference
articles. The Figure 3 represents the rest of the countries placed
in the top 10, as can be seen, the three countries that topped the
list now were the United States (29), Germany (13) and
Australia (12).
Figure 3. Number of documents by country for the third search algorithm.
Source: own elaboration.
To compare the number of documents published by country,
a graph was generated for each of the three algorithms,
illustrating publication trends over the last few years. The
Figure 4 shows the number of documents published per year for
the three search algorithms used in Scopus. It can be seen that
during the last few years, the scientific community has shown a
strong interest in studying AR in health sciences; and that the
third algorithm is the one that shows the greatest upward trend
in the number of documents published during the last five years,
with about 63 documents published.
Figure 4. Number of documents per year for the three search algorithms used.
Source: own elaboration.
The Figure 5 shows the distribution of publications according
to the type of documents filtered and reflects the classification
of publications obtained through the third algorithm, which is
the most restrictive and has the types of documents on which
this research was based.
Figure 5. Number of publications obtained using the third algorithm. Source:
As highlighted in the introductory section, while AR can
span several disciplines; this paper was focused on the health
field, particularly in areas such as:
B. AR in medicine
In the area of medicine, various applications have been made
in surgery and procedures, such as real-time virtual guides and
Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 04, octubre –diciembre de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
images where surgeons can use AR devices to overlay
preoperative images, localize anatomical structures, and make
more precise incisions. This technology can help display vital
information about the patient, such as monitoring vital signs
during the procedure being performed [9].
As pointed out by A. Ibañez et al. [25], AR has the potential
to bring several benefits to the healthcare field through
education and training, providing an interactive and practical
way to guide students and professionals in this discipline
through the visualization of 3D anatomical models, simulations
of medical procedures, and real-time virtual training. The
above, could contribute to improve the accuracy and efficiency
of procedures in the health sciences, and help, in the navigation
of minimally invasive surgeries, such as those studied by Balla
et al. [26]. Another area is the improvement of diagnostic
accuracy, as AR can help medical staff during the initial
assessment; by providing additional information about patients,
overlaying relevant medical data using MRI or CT images. In
the field of view of physicians, it would enable them to acquire
a more complete understanding of the patient's condition and
make better decisions. On the other hand, the inclusion of AR
in health sciences, allows to contribute in the area of
rehabilitation and therapy, since in that sense, it helps patients
to recover from injuries, diseases or disabling conditions. See
Figure 6.
Figure 6. Rehabilitation process in a patient who had COVID-19. Source: [27].
Yang et al. [27] developed an Augmented Reality
Rehabilitation System (ARRS) to incentivize virtual training
and decrease the rate of personal contact between individuals.
They found that through ARRS, personnel can be effectively
trained without further contact where the effort of medical
professionals is significantly reduced.
For example, M.F. Pereira et al.[28] made a systematic
review of the role of AR on hand rehabilitation, since it has been
considered to be the most frequently injured part of the human
body [29]. Figure 7 exemplifies the hand rehabilitation process
in a patient.
Figure 7. Experimental process of hand rehabilitation in a patient. Source: [30]
J.A. Acevedo et al. [31] carried a review of robotic
rehabilitation technologies in children with upper limb injury,
within the most relevant technologies are: i) RobotInMotion for
cerebral palsy intervention, ii) instrumented glove for
neurological injuries and upper limb injuries, ii) AR-based table
tops, to treat hemiplegia.
Moro et al. [32] studied the importance and great potential of
using AR to improve the process of knowledge acquisition in
physiology and anatomy. To do so, the authors compared an
intervention in which they had 38 participants before and after;
using and not using Microsoft HoloLens. It was found that in
addition to the fact that AR can contribute positively to learning
interventions, it also contributes to a significant increase in
dizziness causing other adverse health effects, such as nausea,
disorientation or fatigue, which poses a threat to people with
sensitivity to AR instruments.
Kan Yeung et al. [16] conducted a literature research on the
scientific literature addressing the topic of applied AR in health
sciences, focusing on literature related to the use of virtual
reality (VR) as a basis for using AR to contribute to medicine
with topics such as evaluation of surgical procedures,
neurosurgery, and pain management. Vles et al. [33] conducted
a scientific investigation in which they consulted on studies or
papers covering the topic of how AR can contribute in the
preoperative processes of plastic surgery. In this they took into
account postoperative planning, use of augmented reality in
preoperative processes, technical precision, operative time,
complications and costs of the total intervention. Mehta et al.
[34] pointed out that there are several fields of application of
AR in emerging health: i) surgeries, ii) neurosurgeries, iii)
orthopedic surgery, iv) laparoscopic surgery, v)
electrocardiography, vi) head and neck surgery, vii) ultrasound,
among others. The authors stated that AR, unlike VR, has a
more realistic environment, so that some physicians using this
tool could contribute to reducing the number of deaths in sick
people by trying a treatment before doing so.
Sumdani et al. [35] conducted a systematic study in which
they collected, analyzed, and interpreted how through AR can
be implemented adjunctively in spine surgeries. This work
performed an analysis of the available literature using Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
(PRISMA) to ascertain the relevant contribution to spine
surgery in living individuals. AR was found to be a significant
tool for improving the understanding of the surgical procedure.
Ghaednia et al. [36] conducted a study that was based on
providing spine surgeons and clinical researchers with general
information about the current applications, future potentials,
and accessibility of augmented reality systems in spine surgery.
In this research, the study was covered focusing on
technological items, applications in surgery, spine training, and
Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 04, octubre –diciembre de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
C. AR in nursing
The insertion of AR in nursing could become feasible.
According to H. Wuller et al. [17], most research has been based
on pilot schemes where AR tools such as glasses, tablets and
smart watches are used, allowing them to practice procedures
in virtual environments that simulate real-world situations.
Among the advantages noted are the increase in the quality of
medical care and efficiency, procedural accuracy and time
D. Bliss et al. [18], ]carried out a study to improve nursing
education on pressure injuries, by means of a pilot evaluation
survey, the study was carried out, for this purpose, the sample
was represented by about 32 members of which 27 were nursing
students and 5 were teachers. In that sense, a prototype of a
Projected Augmented Reality (P-AR, which incorporates 3D
dynamic images) system was used to see how it affected the
learning process of the people who participated in the survey.
In the findings, it was observed that P-AR is an innovative tool
and has a significant effect on students' learning about pressure
Rodríguez et al. [37] studied the influence of AR on learning
for lower limb ulcer care. The study approach was
quasiexperimental and was done with 137 nursing students who
were divided into two groups: the first had the traditional
teaching methodology, the second involved augmented reality
as a methodological source used for teaching. The students
performed the AR experience (HP Reveal® and Aumentaty
Creator®) using their own electronic devices (smartphones or
tablets). The researchers statistically analyzed the data using
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and verified
the assumptions of normality, independence and
homoscedasticity, as well as the analysis of variance
(ANOVA). Among the results, students stated that AR
facilitated the understanding of lower limb ulcer management,
and that it not only improved health knowledge, but also
students' skills, perceptions and expectations towards the
teaching-learning process.
The Figure 8 depicts an augmented reality experience to
contribute significantly on the academic training of students in
the field of health sciences, as reported in [38].
Figure 8. Augmented reality experience to improve student education. Source
D. AR in dentistry
In the field of dentistry, AR has played a pivotal role in dental
treatment planning [39], [40], visualization of radiographs [41],
[42] and, training and education [43], [44].
Innocente et al. [45], reported the use of AR in the field of
dentistry, as well as in dental education and contemporary
knowledge, the authors conducted a comprehensive literature
review, where the authors considered the following information
platforms: PubMed, Scopus, WOS and Google Scholar. Among
the results, 168 articles were found during the first search, of
which 20 were chosen for review. It was discovered that AR
and artificial intelligence (AI) are useful for clinical practice,
with the aim of optimizing students' learning during preclinical
education; they also demonstrate that dentists can use these
tools to show their patients the expected results before
undergoing dental procedures. Another advantage lies in the
pediatric population as it helps to avoid phobia of dental
procedures, however, they conclude that there is a lack of
studies that focus on technological standards with high quality
data in the field of dentistry.
Figure 9. Surgical procedure supported by means of AR goggles.
Fahim et al. [23] pointed out that there is a good relationship
during recovery from problems in patients through the
interaction between human-computer, which contributes to
mood and behavior. According to the referred authors, a
different environment such as AR satisfies the need of the
patient who is in an abnormal mental situation or condition.
Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 04, octubre –diciembre de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
E. AR in bioengineering
In the field of bioengineering, AR could have the potential to
offer several significant advantages in terms of design,
research, training and medical care. In that sense, in this
discipline, there are great contributions through AR in the
design of medical devices [46] and training of biomedical
engineers [7], [13], [47], among many other things.
Condino et al. [13], conducted a review of the main AR tools
used and strongly driven by the technological evolution of
biomedical engineering and robotics in vascular and
endovascular surgery. It was found that AR tools such as
headmounted displays (HMD), goggles, spatial projection
displays, smartphones and micro projectors are widely applied
in catheter navigation, abdominal aortic aneurysms (EVAR),
retrograde peroneal access, groin incision guidance, lower limb
angioplasty, among others. This paper highlighted the benefits
of AR technology that connects both patients and surgeons.
Eldaly et al. [14] ] performed a comprehensive analysis of
the scientific literature about AR in phantom limb management,
they used databases as sources of information from EMBASE,
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature,
PubMed and WOS, they performed an initial search that yielded
164 results of which; they chose 9 studies, one study was of
good quality, while 8 were of fair to medium quality, of these 7
studies used VR, and 2 used AR, the number of sessions varied
between 1 and 28, with time intervals between 10 minutes and
2 hours, the scales they used to assess pain were, the numerical
rating scale, the pain rating index, the McGill pain
questionnaire and the visual analog scale, all studies reported
an improvement in the pain caused by phantom limb syndrome,
however, they highlight that most studies have a poor design,
so there is a lack of evidence to recommend them in the
management of phantom limb syndrome.
Barteit et al. [15] conducted a systematic literature review of
AR-based head-mounted devices (helmets) for medical
education, the advantages of which are that they allow
repetitive practice without adverse effects to the patient in
various medical disciplines and can introduce new ways of
learning complex medical content, as well as alleviate
economic, ethical, and supervisory constraints on the use of
traditional medical learning materials, such as cadavers and
other skills laboratory equipment. The selected databases were:
Cochrane Library, WOS, Science Direct, PsycINFO, Education
Resources Information Centre, PubMed, and Google Scholar,
in most studies it was found that the use of these devices were
effective in medical education for certain skills and knowledge,
while other studies suggested it only as an additional teaching
method, in that sense, it is concluded that to generate relevant
evidence in the future it is necessary to evaluate the devices
with the different types of reality, to analyze strengths and
F. AR in oncology
In oncology, AR has been playing a relevant role since it could
contribute in the diagnosis, treatment and care of individuals
affected by cancer, in that sense, it has served to locate tumors
of breast cancer [48], and its visualization [49], as well as for
performing breast biopsies by ultrasound assisted by AR [50],
interventional oncology [50], which, focuses on the use of
minimally invasive medical procedures for the diagnosis,
treatment and management of oncologic diseases [51].
Kok et al. [19] conducted a review on personalized oncology
education as a teaching program in radiation oncology (cancer
treatment using ionizing radiation) by encouraging digital
learning (DL). In this regard, the application of immersive DL
tools in radiation oncology education was analyzed. The
authors pointed out that AR could even be used in an unreal
patient where the learner can see from an AR screen; visually
strategic locations so that they know where they can perform
oncology procedures. It can be inferred that AR will come to
play an important role as a learning environment to meet the
educational demand of oncology students.
G. AR in clinical psychology
While AR has been a fast-growing technological tool in
entertainment and professional training, it has also been used
for the treatment of psychological disorders [20], including AR
therapy for depression [52]–[54], games for children with
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) [55], [56] and therapy for
eating disorders [52]–[54].
Miles et al. [57] studied the role of AR in care settings for the
elderly who may often face anxiety, depression and constant
loneliness. In that sense, the authors made a detailed review of
the topic in databases such as WOS, Medline CINHAL, Scopus,
Embase and PsycINFO. It was found that through the use of AR
it would be possible to address the barriers that generate critical
mental health conditions.
Fahim et al. [23] pointed out that AR contributes to emotional
improvement in the field of health, highlighting its fundamental
usefulness in addressing mental health disorders. It is
highlighted that this technological tool could eventually inhibit
addiction and phobias in people through an AR environment.
Chen et al. [58] ] conducted a comprehensive literature
review regarding extended reality (XR) and telehealth
interventions for children or adolescents with autism spectrum
disorder, in which the following databases were considered;
WOS, PubMed and Cochrane Library, in the studies the authors
highlight that it was found that after the interventions, positive
improvements were observed for participants with Autism
Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in social interaction, acceptance and
engagement. The authors also note that the studies found that
after the interventions, positive improvements were observed
for participants with ASD in social interaction, communication
and speech, emotion recognition and control, daily living skills,
reduction of problem behaviors, attention, cost reduction,
reduction of anxiety symptoms, pretend play, contextual
processing, matching ability and insomnia control, which
provides solid evidence for extended reality as an intervention
method for children and adolescents with ASD, however, they
emphasize that further research and standardized outcome
measures are required in the future to establish the therapeutic
efficacy of the two interventions independently or in
Scientia et Technica Año XXVIII, Vol. 29, No. 04, octubre –diciembre de 2024. Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
AR advances in multiple healthcare disciplines have
demonstrated transformative potential. In the medical field, AR
has improved medical image visualization and procedure
planning, increasing diagnostic and therapeutic accuracy. In
nursing, it has become a valuable tool for training and patient
care, improving communication and efficiency. In dentistry, it
has improved treatment planning and practitioner training. The
trend suggests continued growth, with future emphasis on
interdisciplinary collaboration and the expansion of AR in
education and healthcare, thus driving more advanced,
personalized and efficient services in the health sciences.
The inclusion of the three search algorithms for scientific
information through Scopus was fundamental to be able to
know the trend of exploration by researchers about the role
played by AR in the health sciences. By means of the first
search algorithm, the main countries that have contributed most
to the dissemination of scientific information were identified.
For the three algorithms used, the United States was the country
that has done the most to fill the existing gaps in knowledge on
the subject of this article. The third search algorithm has been
the most restrictive, and, therefore, allows providing scientific
information characterized by conference, research and review
papers of the last five years. Finally, the outstanding attention
of the scientific community to this topic, evidenced by an
exhaustive review in the database employed, highlights the
great interest of researchers in exploring and understanding the
possible health effects of AR. These findings highlight the
growing research interest in AR, emphasizing its significance
as a pivotal tool for advancing medical care and health
education globally.
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Juan David Parra Quintero. Born in
Pitalito-Huila, Colombia on February 17,
1998. He graduated from the Institución
Educativa Municipal Nacional and teaches
full time in the industrial engineering
program at the Fundación Universitaria
Navarra. He received his mechanical
engineering degree in 2020 from the
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, in
2023 he obtained his M. Sc. degree in engineering from the
Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia.
Carolina Alejandra Mueses Erazo. Born
San Agustín-Huila, Colombia on
September 4, 1999, Bachelor of the
National Municipal Educational
Institution. Student of XI semester of
Medicine Universidad Pedagógica y
Tecnológica de Colombia.