The interdisciplinary convergence in the secondary educational context in the application of the principle of stewardship to improve the activity of the teacher as an organic intellectual




This article presents the central ideas of the theoretical frame of reference that served for the theoretical construction of the fundamental educational ideas that guided the reference text “The sense of the principle of co-responsibility in the face of the pedagogical practices of teachers, the role of the family and educational policy ”to aspire to the Doctorate in education from the Technological University of Pereira.

In this sense, the present text indicates the interdisciplinary and theoretical convergence that allows sustaining the need for the principle of co-responsibility and fundamental function that turns the teacher into an “organic intellectual” in the task of the educational act in exercise of the execution of the right to quality of education. education, which challenges him to contribute with his leadership to agency processes of change.


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Universidad Tecnológica de PereiramiradasISSN digital Nº 2539-3812

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How to Cite

Aguirre Marín, W. (2021). The interdisciplinary convergence in the secondary educational context in the application of the principle of stewardship to improve the activity of the teacher as an organic intellectual. Miradas, 16(1), 119–130.



Miradas Journal