Young peoples environmental perceptions in two municipalities of eastern Caldas




In this study we address environmental perceptions among 177 students from Manzanares and Marquetalia (Caldas, Colombia) with an average age of 16 years. In order to assess their knowledge, attitudes and pro-environmental behavior, we conducted a questionnaire based on the International Survey about European Student’s Attitudes and Actions regarding Environmental Topics. The results showed the environmental awareness of students and the recognition of the human-nature relationship, in which humans are one the many species on earth. They also highlight the need for economic growth and development of science and technology without environmental damage, transcending the anthropocentric and utilitarian conception of the environment. On the other hand, although it was clear that students are aware of pollution, poor waste management and deforestation as the main environmental problems in their municipalities, they show a lack of knowledge on other environmental topics. We propose the design of environmental education strategies that take into account the territorial and community specificities, active public participation as well as environmental complexity.


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How to Cite

Guzmán Ruiz, C. A., & Tunarrosa Echaverría, E. M. (2023). Young peoples environmental perceptions in two municipalities of eastern Caldas. Miradas, 18(1), 155–172.



Miradas Journal