Systems theory: From Ludwig von Bertalanffy to Niklas Luhmann

From Ludwig von Bertalanffy to Niklas Luhmann




Today, the impact of systems theory-of course, in some countries of the world-lies in the fact that it allows us to understand the workings of the world, from the smallest to the most complex system, and even of the submerged complex and interacting in networks of more networks of complexity, since the systematic paradigm indicates that everything is greater than the sum of its parts, but this whole dynamic and interconnected communicatively, must be differentiated from the environment, with the aim of identifying the properties that make it characteristic and, in turn, transfer it to any isomorphism, that is, to any level of reality in which we live.


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How to Cite

Vázquez Pérez, E. D. . (2023). Systems theory: From Ludwig von Bertalanffy to Niklas Luhmann: From Ludwig von Bertalanffy to Niklas Luhmann. Miradas, 18(1), 195–206.



Miradas Journal