Strategies for motivation in learning: ¿What do students and teachers think?
Motivation is a fundamental aspect for the development of all the essential activities of life, in the same way it is for the development of teaching-learning processes. Therefore, from the teaching role, one must study what favors the intrinsic motivation of students, and that of teachers, since they must be involved not only as researchers but also as objects of study.
In order to have a broad vision of the factors that influence the motivation of students, an investigative process is developed with students and teachers of the educational levels: preschool, basic primary, basic secondary, middle, and higher education (undergraduate and postgraduate). As a result of this study, motivation triggers are identified such as: recreational activities, family support, process indicators, innovative exercises, contextualized content, establishment of achievements. These findings make it possible to establish new didactic orientations that guide current and future training processes.
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