Development of the communal tourism economy eco-socialism in the Concepción del "B" Communal Council
This is an investigation developed at the Simón Rodríguez National Experimental University, Palo Verde nucleus, under the modality of open studies or Toparchy, based mainly on an empirical-experiential model. Its purpose was to design a proposal for the development of the eco-socialism communal tourism economy, in the La Concepción del “B” Communal Council located in La Vega Parish, Caracas. Firstly, a community diagnosis was developed that allowed the identification of the potentialities and weaknesses of the sector in order to prepare the proposal. The methodology was qualitative, with a hermeneutic-phenomenological approach and to obtain the data, the direct observation technique was used, a field study, the instrument applied to the key informants and members of the communal council, was the guided interview. It was concluded that the spaces of the Itagua Ecological Park have great potential and a variety of opportunities for the full development and strengthening of tourism.
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