Social imaginaries of job security of workers and immediate bosses in Pereira and Dosquebradas (Colombia)
The work is configured from the system of the immediate workers and bosses from a logic of the effort and the material and immaterial remuneration, for its part the job security is established as a stable element of system that is maintained through the standardization. Under the logic of each category, there are shared and opposite elements arranged for sense selection in both social systems. Example of this, is that both systems have in opacity the variable that can be the concrete work, and said this opacity has greater influence on the way the two systems guide their actions regarding security, which in turn brings a new opacity in the face of the non-recognition of personal abilities, such as problem solving, creativity, adaptability, aspects that put into practice lead to the success of the work, they give a sense of achievement and recognition to people in their workplaces (expressive dimension of work).
This is the result of a qualitative research process, intended to understand the social imaginaries of bosses and workers about work and job security, to recognize possible relationships from the social imaginaries that the two systems have about the concepts that guide their action in the daily work, for this purpose, a journey was carried out that began with the application of the relational methodology in phases, followed by the construction of relations and distinctions under Luhmann's concepts of observation and sense, to end with a map of differences and similarities that represents the application of the methodological relevance/opacity of Juan Luis Pintos.
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