Multimodal discourse analysis of the representation of the female gender in advertising spots broadcast by Canal Caracol
The representations of the female gender in advertising are manifestations of the creations of culture. The language evidences the existing concepts about women. The purpose of this study was to investigate the configuration of the representation of the female gender in spots broadcasted on the Caracol channel during a certain period of time. To address this phenomenon, the stereotype was taken into account as a simplified idea of a certain social group; the prototype, a mold as a biological reference of gender; and the role, actions performed by a person, in which he/she is pigeonholed and, additionally, has implications from the social construction of gender. The methodology of discourse analysis was approached from the multimodal discourse, to cover the phenomenon from the discursive aspects of the visual, auditory and verbal. The theoretical approaches of Cultural Studies and Stuart Hall were the basis for analyzing the data obtained. Five emerging stereotypes resulted from the study, among which the stereotype of the classic-modern woman stood out. In addition, two recurrent characteristics were highlighted: protection and care for the other.
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