Case study to evaluate aspects of legality and security of the processing and storage of the squad commander’s documentation in the area of operations through an APK-type technological tool


  • Julian Enrique Barrero Garcia Escuela Militar de Suboficiales Sargento Inocencio Chincá
  • Mónica Estefanía Hernández García Escuela Militar de Suboficiales Sargento Inocencio Chincá
  • Santiago Cortes Fernández Escuela Militar de Suboficiales Sargento Inocencio Chincá



The purpose of this research article is to present the case study that was carried out to evaluate the legality and security aspects of the processing and storage of the documentation of the squad commander in the area of operations, through an APK-type technological tool. The methodology that was used is qualitative, taking as a research technique the case study accompanied by instruments such as the interview, documentary analysis and the survey. Generating results that allow identifying the aspects that the commander needs to document in the area of operations, keeping in mind that said process is carried out manually.

Within the scope of the investigation, it was intended to carry out a comparative analysis between the traditional method of filing and storage of the commander's documentation in the area of operations vs a new digital method through a mobile application type APK, in the latter the filing of storage and control of the information that is collected is done digitally, avoiding the risk that due to different environmental situations or of an armed conflict nature, the physical documentation suffers any loss or deterioration. In addition to this, the mobile application will allow the information registered in the APK to have a security and recovery control against viruses or damage to the mobile device.


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How to Cite

Barrero Garcia, J. E., Hernández García, M. E. ., & Cortes Fernández, S. . (2024). Case study to evaluate aspects of legality and security of the processing and storage of the squad commander’s documentation in the area of operations through an APK-type technological tool. Miradas, 19(1), 180–197.



Miradas Journal