Use of L1 in the higher education classroom




The use of the L1 in the classroom is an issue that all teachers have faced because it is not clear when and how to use the first language when teaching a second language. In this order of ideas, this descriptive research has been conducted to determine how and when professors of higher education use the first language when teaching English as a second language. The population are 22 professors working with young adults and adults belonging to bachelor´s degree at public universities and Language Centers in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México. The instrument applied is a survey applied online, with five questions. The results conclude that not all the professors use the first language in the classroom and think the use of the L1 is incorrect because does not promote the L2 in the students and the students do not have enough practice. On the other hand, most of the teachers that participated in this research agree with the use of L1 for explanations; and to save time, especially when the groups are large, overall, when the students are beginners. This discussion continues open moreover about the length of time the teachers should use or do not use the L1 during the lessons because according to the data obtained, some of the professors use the L1 less than 15 minutes, but the media is around 15-30 minutes average in an hour, which could represent a problem. Then, it is important to reflect on the topic to learn how to deal with it and take the best decision to improve the students’ confidence and knowledge of the L2.


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How to Cite

Mendoza Gonzalez, M. de los A. (2024). Use of L1 in the higher education classroom. Miradas, 19(1), 62–79.



Miradas Journal