Gamification as a learning strategy to strengthen the reading habit
The purpose of the research carried out was to promote the reading habit through gamification as a learning strategy, in 10th grade students of the Technical Commercial Educational Institution of the municipality of Sabanalarga – Atlántico, in Colombia. The study is based on the qualitative method, under the action research approach. The techniques and instruments were applied to a sample of 36 students. The questionnaire was used, which consists of 17 questions, which were developed based on 6 key aspects that are related to the habit of reading, taste, time, preference, role model, form and motivation for reading. Planimetry, in order to plan and organize activities, consists of 12 plans. Unstructured technical observation of the field diary instrument was implemented, the purpose is to make a detailed record of the implementation of gamification in the classroom, participation in activities, experiences, perceptions are recorded, which contains oriented questions related to the categories . of gamification and reading habits. Finally, the focus group with the purpose of evaluating the impact of the learning strategies that allow us to capture the feelings, thoughts and lives of individuals. Actions were planned, executed, evaluated and systematized where important changes in the students' attitude were evident, such as: interaction with their classmates through the use of gamification in the classroom, motivation, interest in reading, teamwork, they were active and creative with the use of technologies in learning, they expressed their feelings of emotion with respect, effectively strengthening the reading habit in the students.
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