The educational reconfiguration of YouTube: a critical analysis of the case study Mi Aula




In line with the progress of the Global Education Industry and the platformization of education, this paper addresses the reconfiguration and rising legitimation of YouTube as an educational platform, most of all in formal education. In order to do this, we analyze Mi Aula, a channel created by YouTube in alliance with UNESCO. From this case, we attempt to produce empirical evidence that helps to specify the consequences of the development of such platforms in education. The methodology is qualitative and based on the case study Mi Aula, alongside with literary review, analysis of secondary sources, and non-participant observation of the channel. The initial findings point out that the advancement of platformization in education requires to look at structural issues regarding, on one side, how educational actors access the channel and its contents, and, on the other side, the platform’s functioning and business model.    


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How to Cite

Dughera, L., & Dolcemascolo, A. (2024). The educational reconfiguration of YouTube: a critical analysis of the case study Mi Aula. Miradas, 19(1), 80–106.



Miradas Journal