Educommunication and appropriation of scientific knowledge: a semiotic analysis of re-encoding in science museums




This article exhibits the most relevant findings of a semiotic analysis implemented in some science museums through a detailed observation of the re-coding of the aforementioned knowledge, which is placed in this space with the intention of apprehending how the edu-communicative processes are devoted to scientific knowledge appropriation. The locus corresponds to “Museo del Espacio” (The Space Museum) in Bogotá, Colombia, and “Museo de Ciencias” (the Science Museum) in La Plata, Argentina. The theoretical-methodological groundwork is the Theory of Codes (Eco, 2000). This theory, as interpreted through Narváez’s (2019) model, facilitates the development of a formal analysis to appreciate the characteristics of the semiotic function, conceptualized as a code structure. The evidence demonstrates a re-coding that structurally preserves the characteristics of the peculiar coding of scientific knowledge. From this perspective, the scientific culture, conceived as code, rules non-politic semiotic limits to the scientific inculturation. Thus, it was possible to elucidate the role of museums in the support of scientific literacy notwithstanding that this implies any replacement of the primary function of schools in this process. The meaning continues to depend on the way the code generates intelligible statements and, for this purpose, a prior experience in the use of the code is suggested.


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How to Cite

Gómez Mendoza, Y. (2024). Educommunication and appropriation of scientific knowledge: a semiotic analysis of re-encoding in science museums. Miradas, 19(2), 1–24.



Miradas Journal