Social Outbreak in Colombia: muralism and graffiti as collective and communicative actions - Pereira and Dosquebradas
Some collective and communicative actions of the muralism and graffiti movement will be analyzed, in the context of the pre, during and post Social - Youth - Outbreak in the cities of Pereira and Dosquebradas, in which tensions and conflicts were manifested over the use of public space. These tensions gave rise to the emergence of political discourses and counter- hegemonic messages as regards prohibitionist positions on the use of different walls in those public places of the cities. In terms of analysis and discussions of findings, within the category of communication, it was identified that youth subjects used public spaces as a medium to express new forms of communication through art, and there was an emergence of diverse mediums for dialogue among artists, activists, and citizens. Finally, aesthetic interventions on city walls have transformed them into meaningful blackboards, serving as voices for various urban places. These interventions have facilitated the recognition of public space reconfiguration and the recreation of symbols within the framework of political aesthetic interventions, reflecting the political imagination of diverse groups in the local context.
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