Brief historical sketch of cyberbullying as a new form of violence in the digital age
There are approached the historical records that you/they have determined the origin and first manifestations of ciberbullying as form of violence, being necessary to visualize the evolutionary aspects of phenomena linked to this last one that they have allowed the appearance and development of the ciberbullying like a more contemporary modality of causing damage in the environment of the interpersonal relationships. It is also analyzed, the bullying, school overalls, and their bond with the emergence of the internet and the social nets, systematizing on this base, the connoted facts and with mediatic repercussion of ciberbullying, mainly among students and in the labor environment, so much at international level as well as the practical experience of Cuba is stood out in this respect, which demonstrates that we are before a silenced phenomenon, not visible and with the population's scarce culture on its existence, reason that summons us to develop investigations transdisciplinary for its prevention like risk psychosocial. The methodology utilized part of the employment of the historical method,sociales;c and analysis- synthesis, together with the bibliographical revision on the ciberbullying and related phenomena.
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