Maize and the Green Revolution: Guatemala in the Global Context of Agricultural Research, 1954–1964



Palabras clave:

Green Revolution, maize, Guatemala, agriculture, Global history.


This article presents the results of an investigation whose objective was to establish the international links that Guatemala formed with diverse latitudes of the globe, for the purpose of applied scientific research into maize from 1954 to 1964, a period marked by the advancement of the green revolution in Central America. From a global history perspective, the study of the green revolution will be addressed as a process which involved the articulation of networks conformed through the circulation of specialists, civil servants and students, as well as the exchange of knowledge and agricultural materials. The sources used include a specialized bibliography and archive documents.


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Biografía del autor/a

Diana Alejandra Méndez Rojas, Dr. José María Luis Mora Research Institute.

PhD. in Modern and Contemporary History at the Dr. José María Luis Mora Research Institute. Degree in Latin American Studies from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Master in Modern and Contemporary History from the Dr. José María Luis Mora Research Institute.


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Cómo citar

Méndez Rojas, D. A. (2019). Maize and the Green Revolution: Guatemala in the Global Context of Agricultural Research, 1954–1964. Ciencia Nueva, Revista De Historia Y Política, 3(1), 134–158.