About the Journal

Ciencia Nueva, Journal in History and Politics is a biannual digital publication of the Master in History at the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, published since 2017, whose purpose is to consolidate a space of dialogue and convergence of students, teachers and researchers, nationally and internationally, interested in the fields of History and Political Science, based on a policy of open access to scientific content.

Unpublished research papers, bibliographic reviews and reviews of recent books of academic interest, as well as dossiers devoted to special topics, are published. In addition, the aim is to contribute to the recovery, conservation and dissemination of the documentary heritage of the region, through the dissemination of archives and significant experiences of historians in the section "Annals and Memoirs of the Colombian Central-West".

Publishing institution

Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

PBX: +57 6 3137300 | https://www.utp.edu.co/ | contactenos@utp.edu.co

Carrera 27 #10-02 Barrio Alamos - Pereira - Risaralda - Colombia - AA: 97 - Código postal: 660003