Antiplagiarism policy

All contributions sent to the journal, without exception, are analyzed with the iThenticate software to identify the match rate with other publications; this analysis lists all sources with which textual similarities are presented. The reports generated by the software are analyzed carefully and individually, in the case it is found that any of the matches identified are not properly referenced the author or authors will be asked for clarification and to make the corresponding adjustments. The article will then be subjected again to the analysis of the software.

If the match rate is greater than 10% due to the replication of information published in other sources being verified, the originality of the article is considered compromised and the author will be informed that the contribution cannot be accepted for evaluation and the editorial process will be terminated immediately. The editorial team remains attentive to receive and process any complaints about possible cases of fraud, plagiarism or autoplagiarism forwarded by readers, authors or evaluators on articles that go through the editorial process or that have been published. These communications should be sent to