The South American political map: some debates and lectures about its recent reconfigurations


  • Maria Virginia Quiroga Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto y Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Argentina)



South America, governments, left, right, end of cycle


This article attempts to systematize a set of researches and interpretations, coming from social sciences, which tends to analyze the South American´s political map trough over the last two decades. To do this, we realize an extensive, but not exhaustive, bibliographic review. It considers those texts that focus on the characterization and classification of the collectivity of Southamerican Governments and takes part on the debates about the magnitude of the changes achieved. The beginnings of the new century showed the emergence and consolidation of Governments which represent a “left turn”, taking distance from the neoliberal precepts and making an approach with popular mobilization. Many discussions have been established about the best ways of nominating this new cycle; however, “progressive” governments seem to be losing territory and strength. In front of the “right turn” advance, from 2015 until our days, new questions and challenges have recurrently appeared on the researchers analyzed.


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Acosta, Yamandu, Giordano, Verónica & Lorena Soler. 2016. “América Latina: nuestra”. Cuadernos del Pensamiento Crítico 36: 1-4. CLACSO.

Alcántara Saenz, Manuel. 2008. “La escalada de la izquierda. La ubicación ideológica de presidentes y partidos de izquierda en América Latina.” Nueva Sociedad 217: 72-85.

Ansaldi, Waldo. 2017. “Arregladitas como para ir de boda. Nuevo ropaje para las viejas derechas”. Theomai 35: 22-5. Acceso el 4 de mayo de 2018. 1

Arditti, Benjamín. 2008. “El giro a la izquierda en América Latina. ¿Una política post-liberal?” Latin American Research Review, Vol. 43, nº 3: 59-81.

Barros, Sebastián. 2005. “Espectralidad e inestabilidad institucional. Acerca de la ruptura populista”. Ponencia presentada en el VII Congreso Nacional de Ciencia Política, de la Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Político, Córdoba.

Bobbio, Norberto. 1997. Derecha e izquierda, razones y significados de una distinción política. Madrid: Gráfica Internacional.

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How to Cite

Quiroga, M. V. (2020). The South American political map: some debates and lectures about its recent reconfigurations. Ciencia Nueva, Journal in History and Politics, 4(1), 82–102.



Political Science