From Europe to the Chaco-Paraguayan frontier. The Jesuit Brothers: Biographical trajectories, war and global histories in the 17th century




Society of Jesus, Guaranis, Jesuit Missions, Paraguay, Frontier war.


This article aims to analyse the biographical trajectories of various Jesuit Brothers in the 17th century, such as Domingo de Torres, Antonio Bernal, among others. Most of them were born in Europe and were soldiers in numerous battles. They then joined the Society of Jesus and travelled to the Paraguayan Jesuit Missions where they taught the Guarani Indians how to use European firearms and tactics of war. In this way, the life of these Jesuit Brothers shows us the mechanisms by which the Spanish Empire negotiated and protected its frontiers with "non-state" agents (Jesuits) and local native populations (Guaraní Indians). This biographical view enables us to understand how frontier defences were constructed, and how the inter-imperial relationship as well as the military knowledge circulation functioned in the Spanish Empire.


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Author Biography

Omar Svriz Wucherer, University Pablo de Olavide.

PhD in History and Humanities Studies by UPO. His PhD dissertation was on the Guarani militias from Jesuit Reductions of Paraguay between 17th and 18th centuries. He is mainly preoccupied on how monarchies and Jesuits institutions and economic, social and cultural variables combined to defense the Spanish empire’s frontier. Svriz started his postdoctoral research in the GECEM project in February 2019. His current research focuses on Jesuits like agents of goods and knowledge circulation between Asia, America and Europe during the early modern era.


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How to Cite

Svriz Wucherer, O. (2019). From Europe to the Chaco-Paraguayan frontier. The Jesuit Brothers: Biographical trajectories, war and global histories in the 17th century. Ciencia Nueva, Journal in History and Politics, 3(1), 76–92.