Presentation of Environmental History Dossier


  • Carlos Victoria Mena Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
  • Katherinne Mora Pacheco Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia



In 1989 Augusto Angel Maya, one of the pioneers of environmental studies in Colombia, warned about the delay of the historical method in allowing itself to be questioned by environmental issues. In advocating the "need for an environmental history" he criticized that the old rationality detached social events from their natural surroundings and that landscape is the explanatory root of social and symbolic activity. Since then, his reflections have become fertile ground for a discipline that, without much fuss, has been carving out a new scenario of studies and reflections on the critical past-present-future relations in the context of increasingly pressing socio-environmental conditions for humanity and especially for the most vulnerable sectors of society.

This dossier is a response to the demands and claims of Angel Maya insofar as it presents readers with the results of research in the field of environmental history from the thematic and methodological point of view, as proof that its reception is not a fad or a whim driven by the threats of Climate Change or Covid 19. On the contrary, it is the proof that today environmental history has an increasingly active place among the new historiographies that are bursting into the academic and citizen sphere, as a spur to the misfortunes of progress, conflicts and the teachings of past generations. It is not only the "narrative that emerges from the defeated nature", as one of the authors affirms, but also the possibility of bringing to the present the arrangements that different societies agreed to survive.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Victoria Mena, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

Magister en Historia por la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.  Especialista en Gobierno y Políticas Públicas por la Universidad de los Andes. Profesor Asociado de la Facultad de Ciencias Ambientales de la UTP. Director del Departamento de Estudios Interdisciplinarios de la misma Facultad. Coordinador de la Línea de Investigación de Historia Ambiental de la Maestría en Historia. 

Katherinne Mora Pacheco, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Magister en Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo y doctora en Historia por la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Profesora asistente de la Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y la Maestría y Doctorado en Historia de la Universidad Pesagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia.  




How to Cite

Victoria Mena, C., & Mora Pacheco, K. (2022). Presentation of Environmental History Dossier. Ciencia Nueva, Journal in History and Politics, 6(1), 70–74.