

  • Martha Lucía Izquierdo Barrera Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira




We are pleased to present to our readers and the general public the first issue of volume 17 of Miradas Magazine - 2022 of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.
In this edition we continue working on the positioning of the journal both locally, nationally and internationally.
This issue of 2022 brings eight articles that show results of research, review and reflection around categories such as education, communication and culture through topics such as public policies in higher education, ICT, social innovation, rural education, image, literature, and philosophy.
The reading begins with the first paper entitled "Analysis of the implementation of an Educational Public Policy using the Atlas Ti tool", which talks about the implementation of the Excellence Day as a response to the need to improve academic results and achieve the objective of the national policy "Colombia the best educated in 2025".
The second article entitled "Subjectivation, ICT and Mathematics Education. Validation of experts" where the research is motivated from the interweaving between education and technology, directly involving the actors of the process as transforming subjects and transformed by the school and the ways of being, feeling, thinking and acting in the world, from subjectivity.
Continuing with this reading exercise, the third article entitled "Route of social innovation in a group of students of the Business Administration program - UNIMINUTO in the municipality of Ibagué" The main objective was to implement the route of social innovation in the course analysis and organizational diagnosis of the Business Administration program (AEMD) of the Vice-Rectory of Tolima and Magdalena Medio (VTMM) Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO in the municipality of Ibagué.
Likewise, the fourth article entitled "Perspectives of rural and technical agricultural education in the post-conflict context: development or alternatives to development?", this documentary review allows reflecting on rural and technical agricultural education in Colombia in the post-conflict context, seeking to understand the tension between development and the possibility of thinking about alternatives.
At this point there is a thematic turn, the fifth article entitled "The image that is created about the artist and the environment that surrounds him, a case study of the film "The Comedian" by Gabriel Nuncio and Rodrigo Guardiola" studies the ideas of art and the concept of artist, taking up authors such as Kant and Bourdieu, approaching the film "The Comedian" as a case study.
In this order, the sixth article entitled "A kaleidoscopic look at the stories 'a repulsive happiness' and 'a protective mother'", this work recovers the Greek aphorism "Know thyself" as a narrative search that seems to have no end, from this precept society is a variant to determine the lack of: essence, liberty, empathy and other elements that are explored through literature.
Similarly, the seventh article entitled "Letting learn": between philosophy and didactics of philosophy in high school" starts from a hermeneutic reflection on some issues around the teaching of philosophy in high school in Colombia, taking as an example the Hermeneutic school of Alberta, Canada, based on the development of an interpretation based on personal experiences, etymologies, metaphors and frequent connections with my personal life in order to deepen the understanding of the phenomenon addressed.
To close, the eighth article entitled "Narrative inquiry in education", as a reflection text, aims to address what is and how to study narrative inquiry, what it is for, how teachers can use it in favor of their professorships and when it affects and motivates.

We hope that our readers will enjoy this publication.

Dr. Martha Lucía Izquierdo Barrera
Director of Miradas Magazine



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La revista Miradas es la revista científica de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, el proceso de publicación hasta el año 2020 fue anual, desde el año 2021 pasa a ser semestral y está orientada a presentar la producción intelectual resultado de los diversos proyectos de investigación realizados por los académicos que trabajan en el área correspondiente a la relación entre comunicación, educación y cultura.




How to Cite

Izquierdo Barrera, M. L. (2022). Editorial. Miradas, 17(1), 5–6. https://doi.org/10.22517/25393812.25179



Miradas Journal