Betting on art as the foundation of recreationalpedagogical: A path towards inclusion and strengthening educational equity in the teaching-learning process


  • Alejandra Guevara Lasso Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana
  • Juan Guillermo Oyola Corporación universitaria iberoamericana
  • Briyith Brisbana Aguas Corporación universitaria iberoamericana



The educational field, specifically in the rural sector, has been seriously affected by an educational system that governs everyone equally, but that unfortunately does not guarantee education with the same benefits for everyone, from the recognition of diversity and equity as pillars in teaching and institutional actions.

The present research commitment is therefore born from the interest in strengthening the teaching-learning processes with students between the ages of 6 and 8 who present learning difficulties at the El Poblado rural educational institution of the Municipality of Puerto Asís, through the playful guide. -pedagogical “EquiGuía”, seeking to promote educational equity. The research is carried out under a Qualitative approach, which allows us to reliably find the information from the reading of reality, corroborating the results, and executing a proposal for action, to finally assess the effectiveness of the actions taken and carry out a process and reflective analysis of the process, all under the perspective of Participatory Action Research.

On the other hand, the research commitment allowed us to recognize contributions on the importance of education in the social sphere; To understand the realities of rural education from the recognition of diversity and equity as pillars in teaching and institutional actions, a holistic view must be taken of the phenomenon. Therefore, it is considered a main element of teaching strategies and learning, the development of classroom processes, through playful methods, these highlight positive pedagogical elements, due to their characteristics: the variety in pedagogical processes, fun didactics, enjoyment of the activities, among others, that generate learning environments pleasant to students while developing cognitive skills such as the capacity for analysis, reflection, interpretation and co-construction of content, something that can be almost impossible to acquire with traditional study techniques.

Accordingly, without a doubt the disinterest of students should become a worrying element for teachers since it is an indicator of the low effectiveness of current pedagogical processes; students should be motivated, incentivized and stimulated with playful strategies. -pedagogical according to their characteristics, interests and/or needs, but traditional and routine strategies have only generated discouragement and disinterest on the part of students in their school environment, who should be the greatest motivation for the generation of comprehensive students with abilities and ability that allows them to develop in the most appropriate way in society.


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Author Biographies

Juan Guillermo Oyola, Corporación universitaria iberoamericana

Docente de planta, nombrado en propiedad, adscrito desde la secretaría de educación departamental del atlántico, en la institución educativa San José de Luruaco (Luruaco Atlántico) e Institución Educativa Técnico Comercial de Sabanalarga (Sabanalarga Atlántico). Con 12 años en total, de experiencia deucativa. Con estudios de especialización en pedagogía y educación de la Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina de Bogotá, y en este momento maestrante en Educación de la Corporación Universitaria Iberoamenricana de Bogotá.

Briyith Brisbana Aguas, Corporación universitaria iberoamericana

licenciada en educacion física, especialista en desarrollo integral de la infancia y la adolescencia, Maestrante en Educación.

Agente Educativo en la Fundación Fusenpro.


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How to Cite

Guevara Lasso, A., Oyola, J. G., & Aguas, B. B. (2024). Betting on art as the foundation of recreationalpedagogical: A path towards inclusion and strengthening educational equity in the teaching-learning process. Miradas, 19(1), 107–129.



Miradas Journal