Symbolic life, culture, language and discourses in organizations




The study of organizations cannot be carried out exclusively from the positive paradigm, but it is essential to analyze organizations from the complexity in which they are immersed. The purpose of this is to identify the acts of symbolic life, their culture and the discourses used by their operative agents (the social subjects) so that the organizations are functional and, in turn, can exist through the social activities within them. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to carry out an analysis, through a purely intellectual activity, of some theoretical-methodological proposals that reveal that the subjective aspects, that is, cultural, discursive and ideological, play a crucial role for the existence of organizations and, at the same time, give the possibility of fulfilling the objectives foreseen by these dynamic entities: the organizations.


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Montaño Hirose, L. (2003). Modernidad y cultura en los Estudios Organizacionales. Tres modelos analíticos, en Iztapalapa, núm. 55, 2003, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, México, pp. 15-33.

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How to Cite

Vázquez Pérez, E. D. . (2024). Symbolic life, culture, language and discourses in organizations. Miradas, 19(1), 215–224.



Miradas Journal