State of the Art in Ubuntu Thought and Its Pedagogical Perspective
This article is the result of the research study that aimed at constructing a state of the art in Ubuntu as a philosophical, axiological, and ethical framework originating in South Africa, which expanded across the African continent and directly influenced the moral values of Black communities. Based on this context, the study’s question was formulated as follows: How does the dialogue of knowledge occur between the hegemonic forces of epistemic power and peripheral, marginalized knowledge production from a pedagogical perspective grounded in Ubuntu philosophy? To explore this question, the research contrasted the hegemonic output of Western intellectual power with knowledge production emerging from marginalized regions, seeking to highlight non-dominant contributions. The study’s epistemological approach is grounded in the historical-hermeneutic paradigm, focused on the review and interpretation of literature of the study’s central theme. Databases such as Scopus, Scielo, and selected local repositories were reviewed. Within the scope of hegemonic epistemic frameworks, this study identified a significant body of literature validated by Western intellectual power, underscoring dominant logics and practices. The review concludes that Ubuntu could offer an ethical and pedagogical alternative that addresses local realities, fostering curricula that acknowledge epistemological and cultural diversity. Ubuntu’s relevance, thus, emerges in the formation of individuals committed to respect and community harmony in contrast to the commodified and objectifying approach of Eurocentric educational visions.
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