Consumption of coffee in the Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia (CCLC): The "bad consumer" and the rise of specialty coffee




CCLC, patrimonialization, patterns of consumption, specialty coffee, imagined community


Drawing from the results of a three months anthropological fieldwork research in the area of the eje cafetero, this article aims to dive into the question of local coffee consumption patterns in the Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia. The main object is to reflect on strategies of consumption in a patrimonial context by examining different discourses, ranging from the average “bad coffee consumer” to the slow rise of the chain of cafés especiales. Furthermore, the present article aims to offer a comprehensive analysis on how the structure of the coffee chain impacts consumption patterns, including a reflection on the benefits and limits of the development of specialty coffee.



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Author Biography

Melina Doga, studente del Master in Storia della Università Tecnologica di Pereira

Degree in Sociology and Anthropology and Master's Degree in Anthropology from Université Libre de Bruxelles.


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How to Cite

Doga, M. (2019). Consumption of coffee in the Coffee Cultural Landscape of Colombia (CCLC): The "bad consumer" and the rise of specialty coffee. Ciencia Nueva, Journal in History and Politics, 3(2), 22–39.



Historical Studies