Mending the social: witnessing spirits, hurting trees and other epistemologies of pain in Colombia




testimony, harm, armed conflict, repairing the social


This text explores, within the framework of a land restitution process in Colombia, the importance that the link with the ancestors (with the «spirits», with the «invisible», or with «the ghostly», as acting entities) has in the process of mending the social. In other words, to recognize the territory/body damaged by war, to return to the spaces of terror and disappearance and to re-inhabit the fracture that is the product of violence. It is located specifically in the Colombian Caribbean, around the work of a network where members, men, and women of Afro-Colombian, Raizal, peasant and regional indigenous organizations participate. At the time, a network of support and collective accompaniment that emerged two decades ago as part of a process of mutual care for its members in times of forced displacement and threats.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Castillejo Cuéllar, Universidad de Los Andes

Antropólogo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Bogotá. Especialista del Programa Internacional en Estudios para la Paz del European University Centre for Peace Studies, y en Estudios sobre la Paz y el Desarrollo de la Università Jaume I. Magíster en Estudios sobre la Paz y el Conflicto del European University Centre for Peace Studies. Magíster y Doctor en Antropología por la New School for Social Research, con estancia postdoctoral en Estudios Sociales de la Ley en la Universidad de Humboldt. Fue seleccionado para reemplazar al ex comisionado Alfredo Molano Bravo (q.e.p.d.) en la Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad de Colombia. Es profesor asociado del Departamento de Antropología de la Universidad de los Andes y director del Programa de Estudios Críticos de las Transiciones Políticas (PECT).




How to Cite

Castillejo Cuéllar, A. (2020). Mending the social: witnessing spirits, hurting trees and other epistemologies of pain in Colombia. Ciencia Nueva, Journal in History and Politics, 4(2), 102–123.