Public defense of an educational institution

Debates between politicians-journalists on the Industrial University of Santander (1948-1959)




Press, Liberalism, Education, Petroleum industry, Santander, Colombia


The founding of the Industrial University of Santander (uis) in 1948 was the result of the struggle between political leaders and owners of regional newspapers in Santander. This article describes the process of justification of the academic structure and physical infrastructure of the uis according to the defensive and vindictive narrative of the liberal press. From the descriptive analysis of the discourse of government diagnoses and the journalistic demands, is demonstrated the importance of social pressure from the liberal printing presses for the creation of the first university in the Andean Northeast, as well as the resistance of the conservative elites.


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Author Biography

Luis Rubén Pérez Pinzón, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga

Docente investigador del Departamento de Estudios Sociohumanísticos de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga (Colombia), integrante de los grupos de investigación Dinámicas sectoriales y TCP de la UNAB.


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How to Cite

Pérez Pinzón, L. R. (2021). Public defense of an educational institution: Debates between politicians-journalists on the Industrial University of Santander (1948-1959). Ciencia Nueva, Journal in History and Politics, 5(1), 75–95.