The Italian neo-fascism in the Paraguay of Stronessner: the asylum, the " Black International Economy"International Black Economy" and the elimination of criminal past




Paraguay, Stroessner, National Security Dictatorships, transnational anticommunism, italian neo-fascism


The purpose of this article is to analyze the phenomenon of Italian neo-fascist migration in Paraguay since 1977. After outlining the Paraguayan context during the dictatorship of Alfredo Stroessner, attention will be devoted to some elements that characterized the Italian presence in Paraguay; in particular, the granting of political asylum, the creation of an international economic investment center in the lands of Chaco and the elimination of the criminal past of immigrant terrorists. The sources used come from the Archives of Terror in Asunción, Paraguay and the House of Memory in Brescia, Italy.


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Author Biography

Vito Ruggiero, Università degli Studi Roma Tre.

Ricercatore di Storia dell'America Latina (Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Università degli Studi Roma Tre; posizione non retribuita); Ricercatore associato (Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh; posizione non retribuita).


Fonti d’archivio

Archivos del Terror, Asunción, rulli, n. 17; 97; 145; 172; 108

Casa della Memoria, Brescia, fascicoli “Italicus bis”, “Strage di Brescia”


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How to Cite

Ruggiero, V. (2019). The Italian neo-fascism in the Paraguay of Stronessner: the asylum, the " Black International Economy"International Black Economy" and the elimination of criminal past. Ciencia Nueva, Journal in History and Politics, 3(2), 58–78.



Political Science