About the Journal

Ciencia Nueva, Journal in History and Politics is a biannual digital publication of the Master in History at the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, published since 2017, whose purpose is to consolidate a space of dialogue and convergence of students, teachers and researchers, nationally and internationally, interested in the fields of History and Political Science, based on a policy of open access to scientific content. Unpublished research papers, bibliographic reviews and reviews of recent books of academic interest, as well as dossiers devoted to special topics, are published. In addition, the aim is to contribute to the recovery, conservation and dissemination of the documentary heritage of the region, through the dissemination of archives and significant experiences of historians in the section "Annals and Memoirs of the Colombian Central-West".

ISSN: 2539-2662

 DOI: https://doi.org/10.22517/issn.2539-2662


Nueva convocatoria: Dossier "Campesinado y reforma agraria en América Latina: conflicto social, territorio y ambiente"


Invitamos a toda la comunidad de investigadores e investigadoras a postular sus artículos inéditos de investigación, reflexión y revisión para integrar el dossier "Campesinado y reforma agraria en América Latina: conflicto social, territorio y ambiente", coordinado por los editores invitados Carlos Victoria Mena, (Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia), Alan Dutra Cardoso (INCT Proprietas/ CNPq/ UFPA) y Wilson Picado-Umaña (Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica).

La convocatoria estará abierta hasta el 25 de enero del año 2025, los artículos serán recibidos únicamente a través de la opción "Envíos" en nuestro sitio web, para lo cual es necesario que los autores creen una cuenta y suministren sus datos personales, de contacto, código ORCID y perfil biográfico. 

Read more about Nueva convocatoria: Dossier "Campesinado y reforma agraria en América Latina: conflicto social, territorio y ambiente"

Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Enero - junio
					View Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Enero - junio

We are pleased to present a new issue of our journal Ciencia Nueva, which continues to consolidate its position as the most outstanding academic publication in the field of History and Social Sciences in the Colombian Eje Cafetero region. We are proud to announce that, after its inclusion in the Scopus index, the journal has been evaluated by the Scimago Journal Ranking (SJR), obtaining a ranking in quartile 2 (Q2). This distinction recognizes our commitment to academic excellence and the quality of our editorial process. It also reflects the good reception of our publication in Latin American academic contexts, thanks to the constant contributions of the academic community. In addition, it is the result of the support provided by the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, which every day opens more spaces for projects in the areas of social knowledge. This achievement also represents the rigorous and dedicated work of our editorial team, who strive to deliver their best so that our readers can enjoy this new issue.

Published: 2024-06-30


Political Science

Historiography and Political Theory

Annals and Memories

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Números recientes

Vol. 5 Núm. 2 (2021) Vol. 5 Núm. 1 (2021) Vol. 4 Núm. 2 (2020)