Clinical and histopathological effects of acute and subagude of the poison of Tityus breweri in hamsters myocardia
Scorpion, Tityus, adrenergic agentsAbstract
Scorpions of the genus Tityus present the largest distribution
of the world, of greater clinical, epidemiological and more
dangerous importance of the American continent. The toxins
from its venom produce severe disturbance of the excitation
and conduction processes of the nerve impulse. From the
histopathological point of view structural changes have been
observed in different tissues of mice, with the venom of several
species of Venezuelan Tityus. Objective: To describe the acute
and subacute clinical and histopathological effects of scorpion
venom (Buthidae: T. breweri) on the hamster myocardium.
Method: Experimental, exploratory, descriptive, analytical
and correlational study. Hersters of both sexes of the
genus Cricetus were obtained and venom of 26 T. breweri
scorpions were obtained, 6 random hamsters were chosen,
injecting intravenously (VIP) venom of Tityus breweri, 3
sacrificed at 30 minutes and the other 3 a The 60 minutes,
3 injected with distilled water constituted the control group.
Results: Most of the exposed animals presented cholinergic
and adrenergic type manifestations. The acute histopathological
alterations observed were interfascicular edema and vascular
congestion, perivascular lymphohistiocytic infiltrate. At the
end of 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours of exposure of the venom, no
histopathological changes were evidenced, which suggests
that the repair processes of the damaged tissues were activated.
Conclusion: T. breweri venom caused acute and subacute
histological alterations in myocardial tissue in hamsters with
no evidence of alteration in the control group.
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