Fukushima: japanese lessons to colombian Public Health





Public Health, Disaster Epidemiology, Radioactive Hazard Release, Radioactivity Release, Environmental Protection, Environmental Health Surveillance


Introduction. During the 21st. International Epidemiology
Association (IEA) World Congress of Epidemiology at Saitama
(Japan), celebrated in August 2017, an invitation from its organizers
to visit Fukushima Nuclear Plant # 1 was accepted. Objective: To
explore operational and public health situation at the area of the
Fukushima Prefecture and its nuclear plant #1, place affected by the
2011 earthquake and tsunami.
Methods. Inspection tour and appointment with representatives
of TEPCO (Tokyo Energy Power Company) at the control area;
explanation on background and actual situation, and briefing before
access. Guided visit to areas dedicated to healthcare and workers’
attention, and work done. Tour by specially adapted autobus to the
perimeter of each reactor, using individual dosimeter. Final meeting
to solve questions and lessons of this case.
Results. Visit and meetings were executed; individual exposure
= 0,01 mSv. Radioactivity by reactor zones: central (inside) =230
mSv/h; walls =40 mSv/h; plant =0,26 mSv/h, perimeter =0,26 mSv/h.
Exclusion zone =20 km. Public Health policies in place based upon
cleansing and removal of sources of contamination; water isolation
and subterranean sources pumping; prevention and containment of
Conclusion: About industrial issues, prevention is everything,
whether they be nuclear or not; interpersonal / interagencies’
cooperation is paramount when dealing with similar disasters at a
very long term; unknown or poorly understood industrial techniques
or technologies should be avoided before a proper evaluation of
their risk/benefit balance, scope and possible health risks to subjects,
communities or environment.


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How to Cite

Segura, O. (2019). Fukushima: japanese lessons to colombian Public Health. Revista Médica De Risaralda, 25(1). https://doi.org/10.22517/25395203.17701



Case report