Diagnosis of congenital Chagas disease: Relevant aspects





Chagas disease, molecular biology, diagnosis, PCR, Trypanosoma cruzi


Introduction: This article describes relevant aspects surrounding congenital Chagas disease, such as epidemiology, symptomatology, review of clinical cases, and diagnostic techniques.

Methods: A review of the literature was carried out through bibliographic databases such as PubMed, Science direct, Scopus, Plos One, SciELO, having as inclusion criteria articles or publications between January 2013 and January 2022 in Spanish and English.

Results:  It was determined that the prevalence of congenital Chagas disease is still a public health problem in endemic and non-endemic areas, and maternal serology is essential for timely follow-up of cases.

Conclusions: Current diagnostic follow-ups differ in endemic countries and screening is being applied in non-endemic areas where women from areas of active transmission of Chagasdisease migrate.


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Author Biographies

Dayana Sofía Torres Martínez, Universidad de Boyacá

Bacterióloga y Laboratorista clínica

Docente investigadora

John Jaime Quimbaya Ramírez, Universidad de Santander

Médico Veterinario

Especialista en Práctica Clínica de pequeños animales con énfasis en Anestesia

M.Sc. Investigación en Enfermedades Infecciosas

Ángela Liliana Monroy-Díaz, Universidad de Boyacá

Directora de Programa de Bacteriología y Laboratorio clínico

Bacterióloga y Laboratorista clínica

Especialista en Gerencia de instituciones de Salud

Magíster en Investigación en enfermedades infecciosas

Magíster en Dirección estratégica



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2023-06-29 — Updated on 2023-08-02


How to Cite

Torres Martínez, D. S., Quimbaya Ramírez, J. J., & Monroy-Díaz, Ángela L. (2023). Diagnosis of congenital Chagas disease: Relevant aspects. Revista Médica De Risaralda, 29(1). https://doi.org/10.22517/25395203.25093 (Original work published June 29, 2023)



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