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Clinical and sociodemographic characterization Diabetes Mellitus in pediatric patients of the Hospital Regional de la Orinoquía, Yopal, Colombia


  • Mónica Liseth Holguín Barrera Hospital Regional de la Orinoquía
  • Lorena García Agudelo Hospital Regional de la Orinoquía
  • Sharon Briggitte Medina Barrera Universidad del Boyacá
  • Julio César Velasco Castro Hospital Regional de la Orinoquía



Keywords: Diabetes mellitus type 2, Symptomatology, Complications, Associated diseases, Glycemia, Incidence.


Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder that is increasing in the pediatric population and leads to multiple micro and macrovascular complications. It is a public health problem due to the high costs of diagnosis and treatment. According to the International Diabetes Federation (IFD) the annual incidence in the world is increasing, due to an age prevalence between 0-14 years of 98.2% and 0-19 years of 128.9% between 2019 and 2021 with an incidence of 108.3% and 149.5% respectively per 100,000 inhabitants in 215 countries.

Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics of a group of children and adolescents admitted to the emergency department of the Hospital Regional de la Orinoquía (HORO) in Yopal-Casanare in the period 2019 to 2020 with de novo or previous diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.

Methodology: An observational, descriptive, and retrospective study, case series type, where patients under 18 years of age with de novo or previous diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in the period of 2019 -2020 in the Regional Hospital of Orinoquía were included. A total of 15 patients were analyzed.

Results: The classification of the patients according to age group and sex shows a predominance of the male gender with 53.3% of the 15 patients who met the diagnostic criteria, while the female population was 46.6%. The average age of the pediatric patients was 13 ± 13.2

Conclusions: The study carried out at the Hospital Regional de la Orinoquía showed that the most frequent age group was 11 to 13 years old, with a significant predominance of males, coming from urban areas. It was found that low weight is an alarming fact n addition to altered glycemia values that are related to the complications presented at the time of admission of the patient, which represents a public health problem among children and young adults due to the heterogeneity of the genetic and environmental factors.


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Author Biographies

Mónica Liseth Holguín Barrera, Hospital Regional de la Orinoquía


Especialista en Epidemiología

Residente de Pediatría

Lorena García Agudelo, Hospital Regional de la Orinoquía


Espiacialista en Epidemiología


Sharon Briggitte Medina Barrera, Universidad del Boyacá

Estudiante de Medicina

Julio César Velasco Castro, Hospital Regional de la Orinoquía



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2023-06-29 — Updated on 2023-07-13


How to Cite

Holguín Barrera, M. L., García Agudelo, L. ., Medina Barrera, S. B., & Velasco Castro, J. C. (2023). Clinical and sociodemographic characterization Diabetes Mellitus in pediatric patients of the Hospital Regional de la Orinoquía, Yopal, Colombia. Revista Médica De Risaralda, 29(1). (Original work published June 29, 2023)



Original Article