Factors related with adherence to treatment of tuberculosis in the Department of Boyacá


  • Sandra Helena Suescún Carrero Grupo de Investigación del Laboratorio de Salud Pública de Boyacá. Secretaria de Salud de Boyacá
  • Clara Milena Niño Secretaría de Salud de Boyacá
  • Andrey Ucros Alvarez Universidad de Boyacá
  • Julian Robles Rios Secretaría de Salud de Boyacá




Tuberculosis, treatment, adherence, risk factor


Introduction: Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, capable of affecting any organ or tissue, the most common form being lung disease.

Objective: Identify the factors that affect adherence to tuberculosis treatment in patients from the Department of Boyacá during the years 2017-2019.

Methodology: Retrospective descriptive study that used as information sources data registered in the database of the departmental Tuberculosis program and SIVIGILA. A univariate analysis was carried out, determining the distribution of the variables and a bivariate analysis in which the association between adherence to tuberculosis treatment and the independent variables was explored, using the Chi-square test.

Results: 402 patients were included, adherence to anti-tuberculosis treatment was 96.5% and non-adherence 3.5%. 66.7% were female; 55.7% lived in an urban area; 66.5% belonged to the subsidized regime; 89.7% mestizo; 91.2% corresponded to other population groups, followed by 7.5% of the population deprived of liberty and 1.3% homeless. Within the comorbidities, coinfection with HIV 4.2% was the one with the greatest presence. Among the causes of non-adherence to treatment were lack of interest; frequent change of address; Terminated contract with the EPS and suspension of treatment due to liver toxicity. The patient with the highest probability of abandoning treatment belongs to the male sex, to the population group of migrants or street dwellers and is affiliated with the subsidized regime, a statistically significant relationship was found between these variables and the result with adherence to treatment.

Conclusions: Although the result obtained in this study is not high, it is important to monitor adherence to tuberculosis treatment to reduce the risk of complications derived from its abandonment, such as increased mortality, development of bacterial resistance, and a longer period of contagiousness.


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Author Biographies

Sandra Helena Suescún Carrero, Grupo de Investigación del Laboratorio de Salud Pública de Boyacá. Secretaria de Salud de Boyacá

Bacteriologa, Magister en administración en Salud. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Doctora en Metodología de la Investigación y Salud Pública, Grupo de Investigación del Laboratorio de Salud Pública de Boyacá. Secretaria de Salud de Boyacá

Profesora asociada de la facultad de ciencias de la salud de la Universidad de Boyaca

Profesora de la Facultad de administración en Salud de la Universidad Pedagogixca y Tecnologica de Colombia

Clara Milena Niño, Secretaría de Salud de Boyacá

Bacterióloga especialista en Epidemiología

Andrey Ucros Alvarez, Universidad de Boyacá

Medicina, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Boyacá

Julian Robles Rios, Secretaría de Salud de Boyacá

Terapeuta Respiratorio, Magíster en Gestión de la Protección Social


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How to Cite

Suescún Carrero, S. H., Niño, C. M. ., Ucros Alvarez, A., & Robles Rios, J. . (2024). Factors related with adherence to treatment of tuberculosis in the Department of Boyacá. Revista Médica De Risaralda, 30(1), 7–19. https://doi.org/10.22517/25395203.25460



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