Ozone therapy enhances the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reduces its adverse reactions, improving the quality of health in epithelial ovarian cancer


  • Gregorina del Carmen Gonzalez Perdomo Centro de Terapias Dr. Ozono
  • Peeter Francisco Jaramillo Cazco
  • Daniel Adolfo Morales
  • Gabriel Enrique Maldonado Salcedo




ozone therapy, epithelial ovarian cancer


Objective: to apply O3T for tumor and nodular regression, enhancing the effectiveness of QMT and reducing its adverse effects, for a better quality of health of the patient. Materials and Methods: This is a quasi-experimental

 el cáncer epitelial de ovario (CEO) es uno de los más comunes en mujeres a nivel mundial, y posee una tasa de mortalidad sobre el 50%, tan solo en el año 2020 se diagnosticaron 313 mil n, longitudinal research using the methods of comparative analysis, cause-effect relationship and triangulation of data. Data were collected by the VAS pain scale, SAS, KPS and direct observation. Results: The diagnosis before O3T was: signs of high metabolic grade tumor pathology in: solid peritoneal implant adhered to the sigmoid colon, adenopathy versus peritoneal implants in the mesocolon of the sigmoid, adenopathy of the left common iliac chain, left para-aortic retroperitoneal adenopathy and subsolid pulmonary nodule in the lateral segment of the right lower lobe. After O3T, the following were evidenced: absence of moderate/high metabolic grade tumor pathology, disappearance of pulmonary nodule from the right lower lobe, and complete response of pelvic lymphadenopathy and pelvic peritoneal implants to QMT Discussion: O3T was shown to enhance the effectiveness of QMT and reduce its adverse reactions.  improving the quality of health in the patient. Conclusions: It was demonstrated that there is a correspondence between O3T treatment and the effectiveness of QMT, tumor pathology and adverse reactions of QMT, obtaining an improvement in the quality of health in the patient.


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How to Cite

Gonzalez Perdomo, G. del C., Jaramillo Cazco, P. F., Morales, D. A. ., & Maldonado Salcedo, G. E. . (2024). Ozone therapy enhances the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reduces its adverse reactions, improving the quality of health in epithelial ovarian cancer. Revista Médica De Risaralda, 30(2), 156–165. https://doi.org/10.22517/25395203.25624