This is an outdated version published on 2022-06-30. Read the most recent version.

Biosocial factors associated with maternal mortality in the department of Chocó 2013-2019


  • Miladys Mosquera Córdoba Gobernación del Chocó. Secretaría de salud departamental
  • Angela Patricia Cuesta Caicedo, Mg. Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó Diego Luis Córdoba



Maternal mortality, Prenatal control, Biosocial factors, Chocó, Colombia


Objective: To describe the convergence of biosocial forces that interact to produce and exacerbate maternal mortality in the department of Chocó.

Materials and methods: This is a descriptive, retrospective study of maternal mortality and its associated factors in Chocó. Authorization was requested to review the epidemiological surveillance files of all cases of maternal deaths between 2013 and 2019. Confidentiality was guaranteed by using codes and medical record numbers for identification. In addition, the National Survey of Demography and Health (NSDH) 2015 and prenatal control reports from the department of Chocó were reviewed to identify factors associated with maternal mortality.

Results: A total of 96 maternal deaths were registered during the 2013-2019 period. The group between 30-34 years of age contributed with the highest number of cases of maternal death (17 deaths). 90% of maternal deaths (65) were affiliated with the General Social Security System, 10% (7) corresponded to the uninsured population. Finally, 94% of obstetric deaths (68) correspond to women who performed household chores, and 6% (4) to public sector employees. The main cause of maternal mortality was related to hypertensive disorders during pregnancy. It was evidenced that only 72% of pregnant women received prenatal check-ups by a doctor in Chocó and that the nurses attended 6.6% of them. In 2020, it was reported that the maximum percentage of live births with more than 4 prenatal check-ups was 79.49%.

Conclusions: The observed situation suggests the implementation of strategies that improve access to quality integral health services. Thus, an articulation between health authorities, health system service providers, local community actors, and academia must be guaranteed.


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Author Biographies

Miladys Mosquera Córdoba, Gobernación del Chocó. Secretaría de salud departamental


Especialista en Epidemiología

Angela Patricia Cuesta Caicedo, Mg., Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó Diego Luis Córdoba

Bacterióloga y laboratorista clínico 

Especialista en Gerencia de Seguridad Social y Proyectos en Salud

Magíster en Ciencias de la Educación



2022-02-14 — Updated on 2022-06-30


How to Cite

Mosquera Córdoba, M., & Cuesta Caicedo, A. P. (2022). Biosocial factors associated with maternal mortality in the department of Chocó 2013-2019. Revista Médica De Risaralda, 28(1). (Original work published February 14, 2022)