Role of the physiotherapist and speech therapist in the initial and preschool education of children in Colombia.


  • María Helena Audor Fundación Universitaria María Cano
  • Mercy Cecilia Torres Quintero



Physical Therapy, Therapies Speech, Education, Communication, Child Development, Learning, Social inclusion, Child Welfare


Introduction: Health professionals such as physiotherapists and speech therapists, within their competences, generate an impact on the educational role by carrying out early and opportune detection actions of the alterations that frequently occur in initial and preschool education at the level of motor and communication processes. 

Objective: To make a reflection on the role of the physiotherapist and speech therapist in the initial and preschool education of children in Colombia. 

Reflection: It is important to highlight and recognize the importance of including physiotherapists and speech therapists in the education sector in such a way that it can impact the population that is in initial and preschool education, forming interdisciplinary groups together with teachers, families, and schools, to impact the communicative well-being and motor development. 

Conclusion: When making the reflection, the importance of including physiotherapists and speech therapists in the interdisciplinary team of the educational sector is highlighted, to approach the difficulties that may be generated at the communicative level and in motor development in an early stage. 



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How to Cite

Audor, M. H., & Torres Quintero, M. C. . (2024). Role of the physiotherapist and speech therapist in the initial and preschool education of children in Colombia. Revista Médica De Risaralda, 30(1), 81–87.



Original Article