Publication standards

Publication Regulations for Authors

Manuscripts must be accompanied by the following forms: cover letter, author information, rights section, and authorization for the use and storage of personal data. These forms can be downloaded from the journal's website at or by clicking on the "Formats" menu in the sidebar. They must be submitted along with the electronic version of the article (Word or PDF). The information provided will be incorporated into the Publindex Bibliographic Database of Colciencias.

Manuscripts must be submitted in the IEEE (Word) 2017 format adapted by the Editorial Committee, which can be downloaded from the journal's website at or by clicking on the "Formats" tab in the sidebar. Failure to use this updated format disqualifies the article and will result in it not being considered for the call.

The Editor and/or the Editorial Committee will review each manuscript and make the final decision regarding its suitability for publication. A positive peer review does not guarantee publication, as the editorial process includes several other relevant steps.

An important aspect that authors must consider is the references in their articles. Reviewers are very meticulous about verifying these references, including their relevance, timeliness, and relationship to the topic addressed. Each reference must be cited in the text of the article according to its type.

Basic Quality Standards

Submitted manuscripts must adhere to high-quality standards. They must comply with the IEEE 2017 format requirements and be free from issues related to writing and spelling. Articles that do not meet these minimum standards will not be considered and will be removed from the process. If authors do not make the corrections within the specified time frame, they may need to start the editorial process from the beginning. Authors will be notified up to three times by email; if these notifications are not addressed, the article will be marked as ARCHIVED without publication.

Authors must declare the originality and authorship characteristics when submitting their work to the journal’s editorial committee. Scientia et Technica will take all possible measures to prevent fraud and plagiarism and to ensure an adequate response to the needs of readers and authors, maintaining the quality of the publications, and protecting and respecting the content and integrity of the articles.

8. Priority in Evaluation and Publication

The journal reserves the maximum number of articles to be published per issue. Priority will be given to articles from scientific events with which there is an agreement, as well as works submitted entirely in English with the same characteristics, provided they go through the full editorial review process, including peer reviewers chosen by the journal. For each issue, the number of authors affiliated with the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira will be considered, as mentioned earlier; in no case can this exceed 10% of the total number of authors submitted per year. Therefore, those with affiliations to other institutions and to the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira will be considered as internal.

Similarly, for internal authors, only 1 article per author will be published in each issue, and no more than 2 per volume (per year). It should be noted that shared authorships affect the allowed publication frequency for manuscripts from the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Any attempt to circumvent these restrictions, if detected, will result in the author and their co-authors being excluded from the journal's editorial process for 1 year.

The journal Scientia et Technica is not responsible for the physical return of articles that are not approved for publication.

Corrections and Retractions

The Editorial Committee is committed to publishing editor corrections, author corrections, retractions, and addenda when necessary.

  • Editor Correction: This is the notification of a significant error made by the journal that affects the article, or the reputation of the authors or the journal itself.
  • Author Correction: This is the notification of a significant error made by the author(s) that affects the article, or the reputation of the authors or the journal itself.
  • Retraction: This is the notification of invalid results. In cases where all co-authors do not agree with the retraction, internal editors may seek advice from independent reviewers.
  • Addendum: This is the notification of missing or additional information that significantly contributes to a better understanding of the article.

Authors will not be able to withdraw their manuscripts once they are published in the journal.