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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text meets the references and style requirements outlined in the Guidelines for Authors Guidelines for Authors.
  • The authors guarantee that the article has not been previously published or submitted to another journal simultaneously.
  • The authors have submitted the cover letter to the editor, the manuscript rights transfer contract format, the author’s information format, the personal data storage permission format, and the manuscript.
  • The manuscript file format is in Microsoft Word 2007 or upper.
  • DOIs (Digital Object Identifier) have been added for references when available.
  • The manuscript is written in the IEEE 2017 updated format provided by Scientia et Technica
  • The authors made sure that the instructions have been followed to ensure blind review
  • The authors declared a conflict of interest if it happened.
  • The manuscript is free of plagiarism. Additionally, the authors know and abide by and respect all copyrights to the information supplied in it.
  • All authors conform to the provisions established in the editorial policies guidelines of the journal.

Author Guidelines

Publication guidelines for authors 

Manuscripts must be accompanied by the submission letter formats, author data format, rights cession format, and authorization for the use and storage of personal data, which can be downloaded from the journal's website http://revistas by clicking on the formats side menu. These must be attached at the time of sending the article in electronic format (Word or PDF). The data contained therein will be incorporated into the Publindex Bibliographic Base of Colciencias.

Manuscripts must be submitted using the IEEE (Word) 2017 format adapted by the Editorial Committee, which can be downloaded from the journal's website by clicking on the side menu tab formats. Failure to use this updated format will disqualify the article and it will not be considered for the purposes of the open call. 

The Editor and/or the Editorial Committee will review each manuscript and will finally decide on the advisability of publishing a piece of work. A positive peer review will not necessarily result in publication, since the editorial process includes some other relevant steps as well as part of a comprehensive process.

An important aspect that authors must carefully bear in mind is the references in their articles. Reviewers are very demanding in verifying these, their relevance, timeliness and the relationship with the subject matter. Each reference must be cited in the text of the article according to its typology. 

Basic quality standards 

Manuscripts submitted to the journal must meet high quality standards. These must comply with the requirements of the IEEE 2017 format and avoid writing or spelling problems. Articles that do not meet these minimum criteria will not be considered and, therefore, will be removed from the process. In case that authors are asked to make corrections, they must start a new editorial process from the beginning according to the relevant dates of the submission and publication call. 

Authors must declare the characteristics of originality and authorship when submitting their work to the Editorial Committee of the journal. Scientia et Technica will carry out the possible measures to avoid fraud, plagiarism and guarantee an adequate response to the needs of readers and authors, ensuring the quality of the publications, protecting, and respecting the content of the articles, as well as their integrity. 

Publication and Review Priority 

The journal reserves the right regarding the maximum number of articles published quarterly. Preference will be given to articles from scientific events for which a publication agreement had been made, as well as papers written entirely in English with the same characteristics. However, regardless of priority status, all submitted articles will need to go through the entire editorial review process that includes peer reviewers chosen by the journal. For each publication number, a cap in the number of authors affiliated to Technological University of Pereira will be considered, in no case, this will exceed 20% of the total number of published authors. Authors who share concurrent affiliations with other institutions and with the Technological University of Pereira, will be considered as internal authors for submission processes. Similarly, only a maximum of 1 article per internal author will be published in each issue and no more than 2 per volume (per year). It should be noted that shared authorship affects the allowed frequency of publication for manuscripts from Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Any procedure that is done to bypass these restrictions and is evidenced, will be penalized by leaving the author and his co-authors out of the editorial process of the journal for 1 year.


The journal Scientia et Technica is not responsible for the physical return of articles that are not approved for publication. 

Corrections and retractions 

The Editorial Committee agrees to publish the editor's corrections, author corrections, retractions, and addenda when necessary. 

 Editor's correction: is the notification of an important error made by the journal that affects the article, or the reputation of the authors or the journal itself. 

Author correction: is the notification of an important error made by the author(s) that affects the article, or the reputation of the authors or the journal itself. 

Retraction: is the notification of invalid results. In cases where all co-authors do not agree with the decision, internal editors can ask independent referees for advice. 

Addendum: is the notification of missing or complementary information that contributes significantly to a better understanding of the article. 

Authors will not be able to withdraw their manuscripts once they are published in the journal.


Types of articles accepted (COLCIENCIAS classification): 

1.Science and Technology research:

Document that presents, in detail, the original results of completed research projects. The generally used structure contains four important sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions. 

2.Reflection Paper:

Document that presents the results of completed research from an authors’ analytical, interpretive, or critical perspective on a specific topic, using original sources. 

3.Review article

Document resulting from completed research where the results of other published or unpublished research are analyzed, systematized, and integrated, on a field of science or technology, in order to account for advances and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references. 

Priority will be given to type 1 articles since they are the ones with the greatest impact on the Colciencias Publindex database. Review articles are accepted subject to rigorous compliance with the requirements of thematic relevance, review methodology and citation.


Article format: 

 The articles submitted to the journal must be presented in Word 2003 format or higher, meeting the requirements of the IEEE 2017 (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). The journal Scientia et Technica has made minimal adaptations, among which the inclusion of the abstract and keywords in Spanish stand out. The modified format can be downloaded from the IEEE original source address and general instructions at -article-templates/ieee-article-templates/templates-for-transactions/. 


 Articles must be written clearly and concisely, in such a way that they are accessible to an international audience. It is important to avoid colloquial terms and expressions that may not be widely understood. Paragraphs and short sentences that facilitate reading should be sought. Please note that all acronyms and abbreviations should be clearly explained when they first appear in the text. 


 Bibliographical references must be adjusted to IEEE standards and, additionally, each reference must include the DOI of the cited article at the end, if available; It is recommended to use JABREF ( or Mendeley ( to support bibliographic references (Bibtex). 

Example with DOI available: 

[1] E. V. Stanev and R. Kandilarov, "Sediment dynamics in the Black Sea: Numerical modeling and remote sensing observations," Ocean Dynam., vol. 62, p. 533-553, Apr. 2012. doi:10.1007/s10236-012-0520-1 

(No period at the end) 

Example without unavailable DOI 

[1] E. V. Stanev and R. Kandilarov, "Sediment dynamics in the Black Sea: Numerical modeling and remote sensing observations," Ocean Dynam., vol. 62, p. 533-553, Apr. 2012.



Once you complete your article, carefully reread your work a day later. This avoids any type of exhaustion that might contribute to bypassing clear errors. Afterwards, send the document to your colleagues and co-authors for objective feedback. Once all co-authors are satisfied that the paper is content-appropriate, conduct a thorough final spelling and grammar check before submitting. If necessary, ask an expert; even more so when the article is in English, and this is not your first language.


Article Submission 

 Papers must be sent exclusively following the Open Journal Systems (OJS) guidelines on the dates indicated for the open calls. Other alternative channels will be explicitly authorized by the Editorial Committee if appropriate, although these are seldom considered. 

Privacy Statement

All manuscripts and personal data received will be treated as confidential information. When the authors submit the work, they allow the use of all the information provided and registered in the journal for the exclusive use in the editorial management. The entire process is documented and archived for inclusion into the Colciencias Publindex Bibliographic DataBase. In no case, the journal will share your data outside of the editorial process.