Development of a prototype residual heat recuperator packed bed of limestone and coke


  • Oscar Alberto Castaño Gallego Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
  • carlos alberto acevedo alvarez Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano
  • Efrén Giraldo Toro Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano



Caliza, Calor residual, Coque,


In this paper a prototype waste heat boiler packed bed of limestone and coke, which simulates the capture of flue gases from the chimney of a vertical furnace for calcination of limestone and lime gain was designed. The use of these gases is intended to preheat a new limestone and coke material. These gases are usually driven environment with temperatures above 545 ° C. The recovery consists of two stainless steel tubes, one fixed and one mobile, the mobile is the recovery tube as such, the fixed tube serves to support the recovery (mobile tube) having an inner diameter of 0.096 m and a height of 0.25 m, the gas used is air represented by the fan RPM. The packed bed is limestone and coke in sizes of 1 and 1.5 cm, the temperature is the variable of interest was recorded using 4 thermocouples located at 4 different heights inside the boiler (1, 7, 13 and 19 cm) Data were entered into arrays in Excel 2010 Advanced Function of multiple linear regression. Excel identified two equations predicting the behavior of the temperature of the limestone and coke. It was found that the heat recovery is 43% limestone and coke is 53% in a time of one hour.


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Author Biographies

Oscar Alberto Castaño Gallego, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano

Docente de ciencias Básicas-Facultad de Ingeniería

carlos alberto acevedo alvarez, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano

Faculatd de Ingenierías-Ingeniería Electromecánica-Docente Titular I

Efrén Giraldo Toro, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano

Docente de Ciencias Termicas-Facultad de Ingenierías




How to Cite

Castaño Gallego, O. A., acevedo alvarez, carlos alberto, & Giraldo Toro, E. (2015). Development of a prototype residual heat recuperator packed bed of limestone and coke. Scientia Et Technica, 20(4), 343–349.


