D-Optimal Criterion Application to Block Samo # 4 Manufacturing to Propose a Mixing Under Standards NTC4205-1





Water absorption, Clay, D-optimal, Proportions, Compression resistance, Response surface


The design of experiments is applied to find the optimum proportion of components for the samo # 4 block mix in the company Gres Caribe S.A. (Barranquilla, Colombia). The NTC 4205-1 standards for resistance to compression and water absorption were considered. Statistical analysis of collected data was assisted with Statgraphics Centurion XVI. Preliminary field tests established the limits of each component to determine the experimental region. The candidate points were selected under the D-optimal criterion and the regression model chosen. There are twenty points (o candidate mixtures) in total, thus twenty runs were required for the experiment. By maximizing the desirability function, the optimal mixture for the block was determined: 54.3091% clay, 37.5507% sand and 8.14017% water. Five field runs with this mixture showed that the property values of the new blocks exceeded the properties of the blocks manufactured with the old mixture. These blocks also meet the required standards. A savings of $ 9,606 / manufactured block is achieved, equivalent to a percentage decrease of 4.41%, quantified at COP 153'023,580 / year.


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Author Biographies

Kevin Farid Gil Rodríguez, Gres Caribe S.A.

Kevin Gil Rodriguez 

Ingeniero Mecánico, U. Del Atlantico

Supervisor de Mantenimiento Gres Caribe S.A  

Jorddy Mendoza Ruiz, Turbomáquinas

Ingeniero de Detalle


Milton Coba Salcedo, Grupo IMTEF Universidad del Atlántico

Profesor Asociado

Universidad del Atlántico

Antonio Saltarín Jménez, Universidad del Atlántico

Profesor Catedrático

Universidad del Atlántico

Javier Roldán Mckinley, Grupo DIMER Universidad del Atlántico

Profesor Asociado

Universidad del Atlántico




How to Cite

Gil Rodríguez, K. F., Mendoza Ruiz, J., Coba Salcedo, M., Saltarín Jménez, A., & Roldán Mckinley, J. (2020). D-Optimal Criterion Application to Block Samo # 4 Manufacturing to Propose a Mixing Under Standards NTC4205-1. Scientia Et Technica, 25(1), 45–64. https://doi.org/10.22517/23447214.22271


