Technologies Applied to Wood Heat Treatments, a Review

Tecnologías aplicadas a los tratamientos térmicos en madera, una revisión




Heat Treatment, Modified Wood, Technologies, Review


Heat treatments are carried out on the wood to modify the hygroscopic properties and its dimensional stability. This allows low-grade wood to be used in exposed applications. This document provides a systematized bibliographic review related to the available technologies that allow heat treatment of wood. For this, scientific databases were consulted where previous studies with high temperature drying were found that served as the basis for the development of technologies that are used today. Patent databases were also consulted making the systematic use of the International Patent Classification (IPC) and Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC), the most promising codes were selected according to the histogram analysis. Finally, a marked trend was observed in recent years in the study and development of heat treatments applied to different timber species.


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Author Biographies

Ricardo acosta, Technological University of Pereira

Professor Technological University of Pereira. Doctoral Student and M.Sc. Automatic Production Systems and Mechanical Engineer, Technological University of Pereira.

Jorge Augusto Montoya Arango, Technological University of Pereira

Professor Technological University of Pereira. Ph.D. Nature Sciences, Hamburg University. M.Sc. Environment and Development, National of Colombia University and Mechanical Engineer, Technological University of Pereira.

Emilin Joma Da Silva, Hamburg University

Doctoral candidate at University Hamburg. M.Sc. Wood Sciences and Technology at the University Hamburg. Graduation at Federal University of Parana, Brazil. Academic exchange during graduation at University Hamburg, Germany.


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How to Cite

acosta, R., Montoya Arango, J. A., & Da Silva, E. J. (2021). Technologies Applied to Wood Heat Treatments, a Review: Tecnologías aplicadas a los tratamientos térmicos en madera, una revisión. Scientia Et Technica, 26(2), 129–136.