Simulation of improvements in the production system of a tannery based on the mapping of its value chain




Curtiembre, Lean Manufacturing, Mapeo de cadena de valor, Simulación


Currenly, organizations constantly seek continuous improvement in their operations, so they face the challenge of being more efficient with their resources. In this way, an improvement strategy based on Lean Manufacturing methodologies was developed in this research, which considers the application of Value Stream Mapping -VSM in a multi-stage value chain, establishing five phases for the improvement of chain processes that consider multiple stages of production, including the choice of the product family, construction of the current map, identification of improvement opportunities, construction of the future map, simulation of the processes and selection of improvement strategy. The tool was applied in a chain of the leather sector, where the main results were obtained that showed the underutilization of spaces in the factory, lost time due to unnecessary movements and displacements. The implementation and simulation of the VSM was essential for the validation of the proposed improvements, which managed to achieve greater productivity and efficiency, considering the decrease in cycle time and lead time.


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How to Cite

Chud, V. L., Bedoya Díaz, I. M., & Paredes Rodríguez, A. M. (2020). Simulation of improvements in the production system of a tannery based on the mapping of its value chain. Scientia Et Technica, 25(3), 394–403.


