Metrological Advantages of Applying Vibration Analysis to Pipelines: A Review

Aprovechamiento Metrológico de la Aplicación del Análisis de Vibraciones a Tuberías: Estado del Arte




Flow rate, soft metrology, soft sensor, indirect measurement method.


Flow rate is a necessary variable in industrial processes and, therefore, there is a wide variety of instruments designed to measure it. However, the most accepted measuring devices have the problem of being invasive or intrusive. The scientific and technological challenge is to achieve measurement by exploiting all the phenomenological possibilities using a non-intrusive, easy-to-install, portable and low-cost mechanism. This paper presents a literature review on the use of vibration analysis in flow rate metrological systems in order to identify research opportunities for the indirect measurement of this magnitude. A promising line of work was found based on soft flow rate sensors that use the analysis of pipeline vibrations integrated into computational intelligence routines, which allows inference of the flow rate value. The findings promote to continue with new technical and scientific challenges.



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Author Biographies

Marcela Vallejo, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano ITM

Marcela Vallejo received her B.Eng. degree in Electronic Engineering and an M.Eng. degree in Electronics, from Universidad de Antioquia, in 2008 and 2013, respectively.

She is currently a Lecturer and Researcher at the Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano ITM, Medellín, Colombia. Her current research interests include pattern recognition, machine learning, artificial neural networks, signal processing and soft metrology.

Francisco Luis Villa-Restrepo, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano ITM

Francisco Luis Villa-Restrepo received his Bachelor of Technology degree in Quality from the Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano in 2016.

Since October of 2017, he has been a Metrologist at the ACUATUBOS S.A.S, where he has been in charge of performing flow measurements under accreditation norms and requirements by ONAC, in Colombia. He has obtained certifications in the following norms: NTC ISO/IEC 17025:2017, NTC-ISO 4064-1 and NTC-ISO 4064-2. His current research interests include indirect measurement methods, signal processing and soft metrology.

Cherlly Sánchez-González, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano ITM

Cherlly Sánchez-González received his Bachelor of Technology degree in Quality from the Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, in 2017.

Since June of 2013, he has been a Metrology Assistant at the ACUATUBOS S.A.S., where he has been in charge of supporting the laboratory accreditations under the NTC-ISO 17025 norm, 2015 and 2017 versions. He completed internships at Instituto Nacional de Metrología, in 2014 and 2016. In addition, he has obtained certifications in the following norms: NTC-ISO 17025:2005, NTC-ISO 17025:2017 and NTC-ISO/IEC 4064:2016. His current research interests include indirect measurement methods, signal processing and soft metrology

Edilson Delgado-Trejos, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano ITM

Edilson Delgado-Trejos received a B.Eng. degree in Electronic Engineering, a M.Eng. degree in Industrial Automation, and a Ph.D. degree in Engineering Sciences from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, in 2000, 2003, and 2008, respectively.

Since August of 2008, he has been a full-time Lecturer/Researcher at the Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (ITM), Medellín-Colombia, where he has been Director of the Research Center (2009 to 2011), Dean for the Faculty of Engineering (2013 to 2015) and Vice Chancellor of the Research and Academic Extension (2017 to 2019). Currently, he is an Associate Professor and a Senior Researcher at the same institute. He has published more than 50 papers, 10 book chapters and 3 books in indexed scientific journals and editorials. His current research interests include pattern recognition, machine learning, multivariate data analysis, nonlinear analysis, signal processing and soft metrology.




How to Cite

Vallejo, M., Villa-Restrepo, F. L., Sánchez-González, C., & Delgado-Trejos, E. (2021). Metrological Advantages of Applying Vibration Analysis to Pipelines: A Review: Aprovechamiento Metrológico de la Aplicación del Análisis de Vibraciones a Tuberías: Estado del Arte. Scientia Et Technica, 26(1), 28–35.



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