Proportional relationship from the perspective of functional time-space and the objects-subjects of reality from integrated physics and mathematics




equivalencia, espacio, tiempo, trabajo.


The research refers to the relations that occur from the perspective of functional time-space, in correlation to the objects-subjects of reality, establishing a triadic comparison from the concepts of work, proportional dynamic equilibrium and time-space. Considering the relation time-space-speed, as the matrix of the object reality, applicable both of the object and of the subject, in relation to the activity that is carried out through it or with it.

Finally, the technique of equivalence between the equations and several types of these is proposed, which can be applicable to a diversity of disciplinary practices, facilitating the analysis of the useful life of the materials, generating a precise evaluation through the categories time, space and speed, starting from the equation E=MC², as a guiding principle of the research process, deriving several possibilities of application through the equation of the proportional dynamic equilibrium


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How to Cite

Mosquera rodas, J. J. (2021). Proportional relationship from the perspective of functional time-space and the objects-subjects of reality from integrated physics and mathematics. Scientia Et Technica, 26(04), 499–506.



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